Homework 0

Max Jardetzky
MUSIC 220B (Winter 2021)
⟵ back to my portfolio

Sound Logo: "Bliss"

Files: bliss.ck, bliss.wav

Instructions: play the audio file, execute chuck bliss.ck in a command line, or open bliss.ck in miniAudicle


The sound logo, which I entitle `Bliss`, is meant to encapsulate a simple joy that resolves nicely.
It was my first exposure to multi-layered melodic sequencing in ChucK, and I implemented a system to allow me to create synced performance.
I did this through the definition of an eighth note time duration, and note frequency and duration arrays for each pattern and ugen, nested in functions which I then sporked to create this simultaneous performance in a single file for convenience.
The melodic ideas came from me messing around on an online virtual piano.
The whole goal of this part for me was to create a "welcome" greeting for my personal web game portfolio website (http://max.jardetzky.com), and I wanted it to be simple and happy to reflect the website's nature.
Click the above link to check it out, and check out my projects while you're there, too!

Reactions to deployment:

My friend Robin said, "siiiiick. I can definitely see the narrative aspect even in the short space"

ChucKu #1: Ascendance

Files: ascendance.ck, ascendance.wav

Instructions: play the audio file, execute chuck ascendance.ck in a command line, or open ascendance.ck in miniAudicle


For `Ascendance`, which was my first ChucK program ever, I tried initially layering a Flute ugen with a Brass ugen and performing a gradual frequency hike to see what happened.
After switching out the Brass for a saw wave at an octave below, the sound signature became much cleaner.
I was pleasantly surprised to see what happened as the frequencies of the unit generators left the range of human hearing, and a combination of sequenced noise and sparkly random arps came into the fray.
Still no idea what causes the latter.

ChucKu #2: Coalescence

Files: coalescence.ck, coalescence.wav

Instructions: play the audio file, execute chuck coalescence.ck in a command line, or open coalescence.ck in miniAudicle


For `Coalescence`, I applied the same notion of motion towards the infinite as I did in `Ascendance`, but in the opposite direction.
I have two unit generators like last time, but now I have them playing an A7 chord arpeggio together, one upwards, one downwards.
As far as modulation goes, over time I gradually decrease the note length until it reaches 1 millisecond.
When this happens, the individual notes are no longer perceptible and we are left with this single, metallic tone reminiscent of the original chord.
I thought it was cool.

Afterword: The Difficulties

I initially went in way over my head with the sound logo, as far as my expectations for what I could reasonably create in the given timeframe.
Being this new to ChucK, I kind of had to settle for something I'd consider way too elementary were I working in my usual DAW.
However, given the difference in medium, I am quite happy with what I was able to accomplish.
Being able to synthesize musical ideas outside of the programming environment proved very helpful, as there were barriers to implementation.
An example of this was that I had to design my own notion of BPM and by consequence time-accurate note sequences.