Homework 2: Block-Rockin' Synths

Max Jardetzky
MUSIC 220A (Spring 2021)
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Assignment Overview

Part 1: Crafting a Sound

(a) 1a-voice.ck, 1a-voice.wav

(b) 1b-play.ck, 1b-play.wav

(c) 1c-chord.ck, 1c-chord.wav

(d) 1d-chords.ck, 1d-chords.wav

(e) 1e-more.ck, 1e-more.wav

(f) 1f-chord-stmt.ck, 1f-chord-stmt.wav

Part 2: Sporks, Shreds, and a Sea of Sound

Files: 2-makeSound.ck, 2e-sparse.wav, 2e-dense.wav



For this part, I leaned into the idea of generative parametrization using a single density variable in the interval (0, 1]. Things that it affects include:

I also added a means to stop the sound smoothly after a chosen period of time.
The code is heavily commented, if it at all interests you to check this out in more detail.

Part 3: Make a Statement

Files: 3-statement.wav

For my musical statement, I adapted the makeSound code from part 2 to generate a 70 second long sound that peaks in density right around the middle.
This is the current state of the 2-makeSound.ck program. I then overlayed this audio clip on the chord statement from part 1(f).
I generated only notes within the F major pentatonic scale, so they would sound nice over the simple chord progression (F7, Dm7, Gm7, Bb7).
That's about it. Thanks for checking it out!