MIKE GAO soundcloud.com/mikegao

Mike Gao is a producer, music technologist and artist from California.

Youth and Cupid (bovgvereav) SUN SHADOWS out 4/12 by mikegao

Upcoming Releases
- Mid April - Sun Shadows on Machina Muerte/Alphapup Digital and HW&W physicals. Cover painting by Teebs.
- Summer - Karma Castle 12" on Project Mooncircle Records (Germany)
- iPad app for playing chords with Brainfeeder/Strangeloop on art. Apple has approved the app! Release soon.
- VST plugin for sidechain Moog Filter, Reverb, Ring Mod, another VST for making everything into lasers
- Album with Luckyiam of Machina Muerte/Living Legends

Current Releases
- Vocal Beater iPhone app - beat box into your phone to make a MIDI file and email yourself
- All City Records 10x10x8 with Tokimonsta
- Mestizo & Mike Gao - Blindfaith (Galapagos4)
- Track on Exile Radio - AM/FM (Plug Research) and a second remix that came out on the bonus here.
- Qwel & Mike Gao - Caffeine Dreams Tour CD we did in under a month (Galapagos4)
- Free plug-in for Live Quantization and Polyrhythms

Upcoming Shows
- Low End Theory Los Angeles 3/30
- Paid Dues Festival with Machina Muerte 4/2
- Gonjasufi at the Monaco Beer Club in Mexicali,MX 4/9

- First Project Blowed Beat Battle Winner Feb. 2006
- 10th Anniversary Mighty 4 Beat Battle Winner Oct. 2008
- MTV Iggy Artist of the Week March 21, 2011
- XLR8R Magazine Office Pick October 2005 for album with Mestizo

Background image is a painting by Chicago artist Justus Roe who did my Blindfaith album cover in 2005.