Final project


Video link
Project files link

TamaGEtchi is a musical tool to help train voices to be more precise with matching notes. I guess it could also be used as an instrument tuner as well.
A random note to match is generated by pressing the space bar, and the tamagetchi will demonstrate that note to you. Upon reaching the note, it will play a jingle. To generate another note after this, press space again.
To run, navigate to the directory you downloaded it into and run “chuck”

Milestone 3

Video link

Milestone 2

Video link
Project zip

Milestone 1

I’m not quite sure how feasible this would be to implement within the time frame, but ever since we saw that on-rails “sequencer,” I’ve been a little obsessed and had this idea stuck in my head: an on-rails musical/rhythmic shooter. I’m thinking of having the player be stationary with a running animation to give the illusion of it being on-rails and having a plane with perspective to carry any sort of enemies that come at the player. The idea of having it be (strongly) timed, however, is one that I’m unsure of, but I’m thinking of having it so that players are only able to shoot when the rhythm calls for it. Although if this is the case, I feel the need to find a way to implement some kind of urgency and skill beyond just holding down whatever button is programmed to shoot.

My second idea is a musical Tamagotchi! So taking care of a (musical) pet and attending to its many, many Sims-like needs while it evolves and sings tunes/makes noises based on your actions. I’d also like it if the musical pet would be able to respond to what sounds you the player make, though I’m not quite sure what type of interaction it should be; should it parrot the sound back? Simply respond to it? I’d also think it would be neat if, as the musical pet grows, new sounds were layered on top and built on top to add complexity, though composing tunes isn’t at all my strong suit…

Lastly, I’m considering a subway surfer kind of toy that presents itself as a musical narrative, similar to how a lot of past final projects involved navigating a space and learning some amount of lore accompanied by music. I felt like the interactivity and purpose could maybe be increased and made more meaningful, and so this idea would probably involve some sort of metaphorical hero’s journey… As a subway surfer… Surfing through sound… Mechanics-wise, I’m thinking that there would be obstacles that play sounds that fade in and out depending on if the obstacle is on-screen or not and somehow all of these obstacles would add up to some kind of narrative.