Composer, Pianist,
and Architect
Curriculum vitae
San Juan, November 2000
Puerto Rico
Marco Trevisani was born in Verona, Italy, the 26th of February 1963. He studied piano under his father's direction since the age of five. He started at the age of 15 to study composition, with private teachers (Professor Giorietto in Verona and later Professor Bonafede in Milan). He lived four years in Milan where he graduated in architecture at the Politecnico, University of Milan. In Milan he also studied techniques of piano improvisation in jazz and avant-garde music, with Maestro Bonafede. He also worked as a jazz pianist. Then he moved to Vienna where he studied composition, for three years, at the Hochschule fur Musik, with professor Dieter Kaufmann and Tamas Ungvary who introduced him also to computer music. From 1992 to 1997 he has been Visiting Composer at CCRMA (Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustic, Stanford University). There he specialized in computer music, studying among others with John Chowning. He gave talks and lectures at Stanford University, in Vienna, at the University of Padova, in Verona, University of Puerto Rico, Belo Horizonte (Brazil), amongst others. He wrote for various music ensembles and as well computer music, he also produced and composed music theater and computer music theater, and music for movies. He also made sound design for other theater productions. He wrote music for contemporary dance performances. He also worked as a consultant for Apple in a speech recognition project. Since 1997 till summer 2000 he was teaching classes in Composition and Computer Music at New York University, in the Music and Technology Department of the School of Education (Music and performing Arts) and visiting composer (Winter semester in 1997) at Columbia University, at CMC-Computer Music Center. His Music has been performed in many different countries like Italy, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Ausrtia, Romania, Slovenia, Germany, France, Hungary, United States. He was also touring, as prepared piano performer in these mentioned countries. Since 1994 has been working to promote and diffuse Linux as an alternative Operating System for computer, and is active contributor, with his research, developing "open source" and free distributed audio software for the Linux community.
Since July 2000 he lives in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Born in Verona, Italia 1963
1968-1978 Started to studied piano with his father, a pianist.
1972-1976 Organist at San Pietro Apostolo in Verona.
1980-1989 Studied with Bonafede piano and composition, in Milan (Italy)
1982-1989 Architecture at Politecnico, Universitá di Milano (Italy)
1989 Graduated in Architecture
1990 Published his dissertation. ``Rapporti tra architettura e pittura oggi''
(``Relation between Architecture and panting''
with professor Mario De Micheli as advisor).
1987-1988 Attended a workshop for film script-writer and director in Milan at CIM.
1989-1992 Musik Hochschule in Vienna with Dieter Kaufmann (music composition)
1991 Workshop in Orchestra conducting with Zubin Metha at MusikHochschule in Vienna.
1990-1992 ELAK (Elecrto Akustische Institut in Vienna) with
Tamas Ungvary (composition in computer music)
1992 Summer Workshop at CCRMA (Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics, Stanford University)
1994 Italian Dept. Stanford University
1994 Studied with John Chowning
1992-1997 Visiting composer at CCRMA, Stanford. University
1997 Visiting composer at Columbia University, New York
Teaching activities, lectures, and other music related activities
1986 Lecture: New directions in music composition (Architecture in Milan)
1990 Lecture: Computer music and problems related to music notation (Vienna)
1991 and 1994 Lectures: Music notation and ``Artistic'' notation
(Lecture given at Stanford -Comparative literature - and at MusikHoschule in Vienna)
1992 Lecture: Introduction to Verklarte Klang im Raum
1993 Lectures: Maderna, conductor and composer, 1973 (1993 Italian Kultur Institute in Vienna)
1994 Lectures at the Italian Department in Stanford: ``Music and Theater''
1995 TA in the Italian Dept. for the Italian language class at Stanford
1995 Lecture: Casa Italiana Stanford: Verdi & Shakespeare
1995 Lectures: University of Padova (Italy)
My recent works and composition theory in computer music
Space and Time in music
Linux: a new frontier in audio development
1996 Lecture: Casa Italiana Stanford: The transition from XIX century Opera to XX century Opera.
1995 Coauthor, with Michael Edwards, of ARTIMIX, a real-time sound mixing program for Silicon Graphic and Linux machines.
1996 Presentation to the Affiliates meeting at CCRMA of ARTIMIX
1996 Production with Celso Aguiar of two CDs (``Computer Music @ CCRMA'', Volume One and Volume Two), released in spring 1997, including works of computer music by CCRMA composers. A project funded by CCRMA (Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustic, Stanford University)
1996 Graphic project and design, with Peer Landa, for the two CDs ``Computer Music @ CCRMA'', Vol. 1 & Vol. 2
1997- 2000 Teaching Software Synthesis in Computer Music at New York University -NYU-, in the Music Technology Department in the School of Education (Music and Performing Arts).
1998-2000 Teaching introductory class at NYU on "Using audio on Linux Systems"
1998-2000 Teaching private composition class at NYU -focused in electronic music-, and introduction to signal processing & audio using LINUX workstations at NYU, in the Music Technology Department in the School of Education (Music and Performing Arts)
1998 February, New York University. Lecture "Mixing prepared piano and electronics"
1998 July, Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Lecture "88 percussions in a piano"
1999 March, University of Puerto Rico. Lecture "Concert space for Electronic Music".
1999 Istituto Superiore de Artes, La Habana, Cuba. Lecture "Techniques for playing prepared piano"
1998-2001 International Coordinator, with, Maestro Juan Blanco, Andrew Schloss and Enmanuel Blanco, of the Organization Committee for ICMC (International Computer Music Conference) 2001, in La Habana, Cuba.
Music Chairman for the ICMC 2001.
2000 Award. A fellowship from Social Research Council in New York, in order to produce and
perform his computer music theatre composition, Così è , in La Habana, Cuba, opening on March 8, 2000.
Music related activities:
most relevant compositions, concerts
and work in progress
between 1984 and 2000
NOTE:In ``italic'' (when is the name of a city) the place where each composition has been premiered.
Due pezzi brevi per piano (1984)
For piano.
Verona, Vienna
Acca (1984)
tape music for dancers
Quartetto (1987)
String Quartet
Auf der Stille (1988)
For violin and tape
Vienna, Verona, Paris, Santiago (Chile)
Verklarte Klang im Raum (1989)
Small orchestra, two singers and live electronic
Nunc Stans (1990)
For chamber ensemble
Trieste, Graz, Salisburg, Bucharest, Budapest, Lubjana, Paris, Vienna, Friburg, Geneva. Also recorded and Broadcast by Italian radio (RAI) and from Romania Television (National Television)
Il Bicchiere della Staffa (1986)
Music theater, for chamber orchestra, singers and actors
(An original adaptation by a Harold Pinter's play)
Così è (1992, completely revised in 1999/2000 -Spanish version)
Music Theater, for computer, actors, one dancer and female singer. (An original adaptation by a Pirandello's play)
Stanford (1992), La Habana (2000)
Studi di improvvisazione (1993-1999)
Nine compositions for prepared piano and computer and other instruments
San Francisco - New York
These include:
-Segmentation Fault beta1.1 composed in collaboration with Michael Edwards and presented in San Francisco at the Music Marathon 1996 -Opus 415 n. 2 - , Padova (Italy), Vienna, Verona, Essen (Germany), Stanford, La Habana (Cuba), Belo Horizonte (Brasil) , New York (Roulette 1999)
O' core dumped presented at the Kitchen in New York in 1995,
Padova, Palermo, Vienna, Verona -version for prepared piano and tape -
Stanford - version for prepared piano, tape and electric guitar -
San Juan (Puertorico) - version for prepared piano, percussion, tape,
and alto sax (Neil Leonard) -
New York 1999 Roulette - version for percussion prepared piano and live electronics.
-Einalem for prepared piano and computer sounds presented at el Festival de Musica Electroacustica, La Habana (Cuba)(1998), Brasil, San Juan (Puerto Rico), San Diego (California), New York
Up to four and more (1995)
Improvisation for prepared piano, computer and percussion
(written and played in collaboration with Lukas Ligeti)
Stanford Summer CCRMA concert ``Music under the stars''
Including :Untitled N. I, Untitled N. II, Untitled N. III, Untitled N. IV,
Untitled N. V, Untitled N. VI, Untitled N. VII, Untitled N. VIII.
El dinosaurio (1994)
for prepared piano, computer soprano saxophone. A composition in three movements.
Stanford,-sax played by Andrea Benatti-, Verona
Frammenti e Variazioni su Aura, (in ricordo di Bruno Maderna). (1996)
Fragments and variations for computer sounds generated, sampled from Aura by Bruno Maderna
Essen, Stanford CCRMA concert, Verona, New York,
Casa de Las Americas, La Habana, Cuba.
Musica por un Apagon (1998)(see also CDs):
(for prepared piano, tumbadora and electronics)
Macondo, La Habana, San Diego-California-
Bus Error , La Habana
Tamu' 'e Mamey , La Habana
Dead Mute &;Dumplings, La Habana
Ayano', La Habana
Concerto per piano solo e altri strumenti: (1999)
(concert for piano solo and other instruments)
(for prepared piano, computer created sounds, and live electronics)
Despues de un apagon for 30 minutes.
Roulette -New York-
Bellas Artes- Belo Horizonte, Brazil -
Il Posto -Verona Italia-
(where also Einalem, O' Core Dumped and Segmentation fault 1.3Beta were presented)
41 Shots, quasi un requiem, (Dedicated to Amadou Diallo) (1999)
(Tape solo, computer generated sounds)
New York University - New York
A comerrr, (dedicado a la lucha del pueblo Viequense)(Otcober 200)
(Tape solo, computer generated sounds)
Isla de Vieques - Puerto Rico
Sound design for Theater productions:
Job interview (An adaptation from a play by H. Pinter) Stanford -1994
In the Jungle of Cities (B. Brecht) San Francisco, Karl Weber director. -1995
Rough for Radio I (S. Becket) San Francisco - 1995
Non Importa sapere perché (1991)
Installation for an exhibition in a park. For speaking voices, tape, trumpet, saxophone, soprano voice and live electronic.
Boscochiesanuova (Verona)
Also played for a dance performance in Belgium
Il convitato (1992)
Installation for speaking voices, tape and seven dancers
Bruxel Verona
in ``Computer Music @ CCRMA'' Volume two:
Variazioni e Frammenti su Aura
Songo Be'nd / Apagon, recorded in La Habana, September 1998
For prepared piano, percussions, live electronics, and computed sounds
This CD includes:
O' Core Dumped
Segmentation Fault Beta 1.1
Bus Error
Tamu' 'e Mamey
Dead Mute &;Dumplngs
In Preparation:
Concerto per piano solo e altri strumenti
(live at Roulette, New York 1999)
Work in Progress
- A commission from Mozarteum in Salzburg (Austria) for a composition for string quartet,
prepared piano and electronics. It will be premiered on July 1st 2001, recorded and published in CD with works of, Karlheinz Essl, Lukas Ligeti and other composers.
- A collaborative project with Niuorican poet, Tato Laviera, on a experimental electronic
and percussion group, with lyrics based on his poems.
- Computer Video/Audio art, variation on a War subject using video and graphic manipulations
of famous sequences from "Roma Citta' Aperta".
Dedicated to the victims of wars. (2000-2001)
- Computer Music theater monologue "Il testamentario o lettere di un maniaco". End of 2001.
- "Cori Fanatici" a series of three compositions for three actors and computer
Computer related skills
programming in Lisp and C, and generally Unix environment.
Linux, Unix and general networking experience with these operative systems
Macintosh, Linux for Macintosh, Linux and various Unix OS experience
HTML, php, and Javascript, and also LaTeX programming.
Database expertise.
Specialized in Audio software as well graphics.
Web designer and web programmer
Non musical activities
1985-1987 Worked as a graphic designer in Milan
1987-1989 Architect in a studio in Verona
1984-..... Worked as journalist for a news paper in Verona, and for some specialized periodicals in Italy
1993 Consultant at Apple in a Text to Speech project.
1996-2000.... Web designer (graphics, web art and programming).
Consultant for Web and internet companies and organizations.
Dr. Marco Trevisani
152 Calle San Jorge #3
San Juan, Puerto Rico 00911
Home (787) 977-0030
Fax (same as for HOME)
(not automatic, fax activation needs a previous call)
Cell. Phone:(787) 378-9452