In this demonstration, a 1000-Hz tone, 500 ms in duration and partially masked by noise low-pass filtered at 900 Hz, alternates with an identical tone, presented without masking noise. The tone partially masked by noise of lower frequency appears slightly higher in pitch (do you agree?). When the noise is turned off, it is clear that the two tones were identical.
B.Scharf and A.J.M.Houtsma (1986), "Audition II: Loudness, pitch, localization, aural distortion, pathology," in Handbook of Perception and Human Performance, Vol. 1, ed. K.R.Boff, L.Kaufman, and J.P.Thomas (J. Wiley, New York).
E.Terhardt and H.Fastl (1971), "Zum Einfluss von Stortonen und Storgerauschen auf die Tonhohe von Sinustonen," Acustica 25, 53-61.
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