HW 3

Final Deliverables

Luggage Loop Lab (thanks GPT)

Final Video

Made with Clipchamp

Screen Shots


Use the mouse to drag and drop bags onto the baggage claim belts. You can move bags on belts at any time.

Design Reflections

This was my first brainstorm idea for milstone 1 and since I got to get feedback from the class early on and people initially seemed to like the idea I descided to run with it. Getting to the final design took many different design decisions from choosing the number of belts, the speed of them, which sounds to use for bags, finally making the decision for the playheads to move instead of be stationary, how to implement people in a good way, and more. Overall I am happy with where things ended up! As always I must thank Andrew for his invaluable help at OH which always saves me many hours. One of my biggest challenges was figuring out the overall system architecture of the baggage claim system itself and how it should work.


Milestone 2

Design Questions


Made with Clipchamp

Milestone 1



Below are my ideas for my sequencer. In order as they appear in the below picture:
Idea 1: Baggage claim sequecer. The user will pick from various items commonly seen on baggage claim conveyor belts, from suitcases to guitar cases and more. The belt will move in a clockwise or counterclockwise fashion and have a playhead. When an item passes the playhead it will make a sound associated with the given item. Ideally includes a way for user to speed up or slow down the belt.
Idea 2: Painting Canvas. The screen will include a nice canvas, a pallete with various colors, and a pretty background. The user can pick different colors and place them on the canvas in various spots. When the user hits a play button or presses some keyboard key, the Canvas will be scanned from left to right and make sound based on the color splotches it encounters.
Idea 3: Marble drop game. This idea is inspired by that game where a person drops a marble and it bounces among a bunch of pins until it lands in some bin/area at the bottom of the board. For the sequencer, the user will have access to various "obstacles", each associated with a different sound, that they can play on the screen. When they are satisfied, they will start the sequencer and X number of "marbles" will fall from the top of the screen. Whenever they contact an obstacle that obstacles sound will be triggered. At the bottom of the screen will be portals. Portals will make the ball restart from the top to achieve the loop effect.