// Hi there, take a look at this example! global int mouseX; global Event mouseClicked; SinOsc foo => dac; 300 => float currentBaseFrequency; // The sine wave's frequency is mapped to // the x position of the mouse... fun void RespondToMouseMovement() { while( true ) { currentBaseFrequency + 0.3 * mouseX => foo.freq; 10::ms => now; } } spork ~ RespondToMouseMovement(); //... plus some randomness! fun void UpdateBaseFrequency() { while( true ) { Math.random2f( 300, 600 ) => currentBaseFrequency; 200::ms => now; } } spork ~ UpdateBaseFrequency(); // It will stop playing when you click the mouse // (at least 1 minute after starting) // (you can also stop it with the "remove" button below) 1::minute => now; mouseClicked => now;