class SynthtarVoice extends VoiceBankVoice { // override 0.12 => gainAtZeroVelocity; 0.4 => highCutoffSensitivity; -0.7 => lowCutoffSensitivity; 2 => int unison; float myFreqWaver; 400 => float myLPFCutoff; 400 => float myHPFCutoff; LPF lpf1 => LPF lpf2 => adsr; Gain preHPF => HPF hpf => adsr; // 75% mix LPF to HPF 0.25 => hpf.gain; 0.75 => lpf1.gain; // but also pregain 1.3 => preHPF.gain; // sane initial value to prevent CLICK CLAP BOOM 1300 => hpf.freq; // TODO: cutoff1+2 modulated by 0.19 by aftertouch, can't really // test that without aftertouch SqrOsc osc1[unison]; SqrOsc osc2[unison]; SqrOsc osc3[unison]; SinOsc root => adsr; 0.2 => root.gain; // oscs, gain, widths for( int i; i < unison; i++ ) { 0.39 / unison => osc1[i].gain; 0.30 / unison => osc2[i].gain; 0.30 / unison => osc3[i].gain; 0.9 => osc1[i].width; 0.55 => osc2[i].width; 0.8 => osc3[i].width; osc1[i] => lpf1; osc2[i] => lpf1; osc3[i] => lpf1; osc1[i] => preHPF; osc2[i] => preHPF; osc3[i] => preHPF; } // smoothed sample and hold Step lfo1 => LPF lfo1LPF => Envelope lfo1env => blackhole; 360::ms => lfo1env.duration; fun void startLFO1() { 1 => lfo1env.keyOn; 5 => lfo1LPF.freq; while( true ) { Math.random2f( -1, 1 ) =>; // TODO scale and hook up 0.03 * lfo1env.last() + 1 => myFreqWaver; 5::ms => now; } } null @=> Shred startLFO1Shred; fun void sync() { for( int i; i < unison; i++ ) { // TODO: necessary? // 0 => osc1[i].phase => osc2[i].phase; } if( startLFO1Shred != null ) { startLFO1Shred.exit(); } spork ~ startLFO1() @=> startLFO1Shred; } // analog: randomly alter pitch and cutoff (0 to 1: 1. units?) 0.002 => float analog; float analogs[unison + 1]; fun void calculateAnalog() { for( int i; i < analogs.size(); i++ ) { Math.random2f( 1 - analog, 1 + analog ) => analogs[i]; } } // cutoff fun float cutoffToHz( float cutoff ) { return Math.min( Std.scalef( Math.pow( Std.clampf( cutoff, 0, 1 ), 3 ), 0, 1, myFreq, 18000 ), 18000 ); } // LPF cutoff envelope ADSR lpfEnv => blackhole; 0.015 => float lpfSustain; 190::ms => dur lpfDecay; lpfEnv.set( 1::ms, lpfDecay, lpfSustain, 2000::ms ); fun void triggerLPFEnv() { // reset 0 => lpfEnv.value; lpfSustain => lpfEnv.sustainLevel; // bounds 0.592 => float minCutoff; // higher cutoff at higher pitch and at higher velocity Std.scalef( Math.pow( myVelocity, 1.6 ), 0, 1, 0.6, 1.0 ) => float maxCutoff; minCutoff => float currentCutoff; maxCutoff - minCutoff => float cutoffDiff; Std.scalef( myVelocity, 0, 1, 1, 7.21 ) * lpfDecay => lpfEnv.decayTime; lpfEnv.keyOn( 1 ); 5::ms => dur delta; while( true ) { // set minCutoff + cutoffDiff * Math.pow( lpfEnv.value(), 3 ) => currentCutoff; // Math.pow( currentCutoff, 3 ) => currentCutoff; currentCutoff + myCutoff => this.cutoffToHz => myLPFCutoff; // wait delta => now; } } spork ~ this.triggerLPFEnv() @=> Shred triggerLPFEnvShred; fun void endLPFEnv() { lpfEnv.keyOff( 1 ); } ADSR hpfEnv => blackhole; hpfEnv.set( 5::ms, 10.3::ms, 0.0, 0::ms ); fun void triggerHPFEnv() { // reset 0 => hpfEnv.value; // bounds 0.186 => float minCutoff; // higher cutoff at higher pitch and at higher velocity Std.scalef( Math.pow( myVelocity, 1.6 ), 0, 1, 0.3, 0.9 ) => float maxCutoff; minCutoff => float currentCutoff; maxCutoff - minCutoff => float cutoffDiff; hpfEnv.keyOn( 1 ); 0.5::ms => dur delta; now + hpfEnv.attackTime() + hpfEnv.decayTime() + 2::ms => time endTime; while( now < endTime ) { // set minCutoff + cutoffDiff * Math.pow( hpfEnv.value(), 3 ) => currentCutoff; // Math.pow( currentCutoff, 3 ) => currentCutoff; currentCutoff + myCutoff => this.cutoffToHz => myHPFCutoff; Math.min( myHPFCutoff * analogs[unison], 21000 ) => hpf.freq; //<<< currentCutoff, myHPFCutoff >>>; // wait delta => now; } } null @=> Shred triggerHPFEnvShred; fun void endHPFEnv() { hpfEnv.keyOff( 1 ); } // resonances 1.2 => lpf1.Q => lpf2.Q; 1.9 => hpf.Q; // then ADSR on volume 1300::ms => rTime; adsr.set( 1::ms, 5000::ms, 0.238, rTime ); // osc1: freq // osc2: -4 (CBD 50%) // osc3: +6 (CBD 50%) fun void applyFreqs() { float f1, f2, f3; while( true ) { Math.min( myLPFCutoff * analogs[unison], 21000 ) => lpf1.freq => lpf2.freq; // myFreq myFreq * myFreqWaver => f1; // -2 cents - (2 cents at C3) f1 * 0.998845 - 0.15108555 => f2; // +3 cents + (3 cents at C3) f1 * 1.001734 + 0.22682454 => f3; for( int i; i < unison; i++ ) { f1 * analogs[i] => osc1[i].freq; f2 * analogs[i] => osc2[i].freq; f3 * analogs[i] => osc3[i].freq; } f1 => root.freq; 10::ms => now; } } spork ~ this.applyFreqs(); // trigger note on fun void noteOn() { // sync sync(); // key on adsr.keyOn( 1 ); triggerLPFEnvShred.exit(); if( triggerHPFEnvShred != null ) { triggerHPFEnvShred.exit(); } spork ~ this.triggerLPFEnv() @=> triggerLPFEnvShred; spork ~ this.triggerHPFEnv() @=> triggerHPFEnvShred; calculateAnalog(); } // trigger note off fun void noteOff() { adsr.keyOff( 1 ); endLPFEnv(); endHPFEnv(); } } class Synthtar extends VoiceBank { 8 => numVoices; // voices SynthtarVoice myVoices[numVoices]; // assign to superclass v.size( myVoices.size() ); for( int i; i < myVoices.size(); i++ ) { myVoices[i] @=> v[i]; } // connect init( true ); } Synthtar s => LPF l => JCRev rev => dac; 0.3 => s.gain; 0.0 => rev.mix; 15000 => l.freq; // knobs global float gReverb; global float gCutoff; global float gLowpass; fun void ApplyGlobals() { while( true ) { 10::ms => now; gReverb => rev.mix; gLowpass => l.freq; gCutoff => s.cutoff; } } spork ~ ApplyGlobals(); // end knobs global Event midiMessage; global int midiCommand; global int midiNote; global int midiVelocity; fun void NoteOn( int m, int v ) { v * 1.0 / 128 => float velocity; s.noteOn( m, velocity ); //<<< "on", m, v >>>; } fun void NoteOff( int m ) { spork ~ s.noteOff( m ); //<<< "off", m >>>; } while( true ) { midiMessage => now; if( midiCommand >= 144 && midiCommand < 160 ) { if( midiVelocity > 0 ) { NoteOn( midiNote, midiVelocity ); } else { NoteOff( midiNote ); } } else if( midiCommand >= 128 && midiCommand < 144 ) { NoteOff( midiNote ); } else { //<<< "unknown midi command:", midiCommand, midiNote, midiVelocity >>>; } }