Society for Music Theory

Committee on the Status of Women

Bibliography of Sources Related to Women's Studies,
Gender Studies, Feminism, and Music

Music History:


Austern, Linda Phyllis. "'No Women Are Indeed': The Boy Actor as Vocal Seductress in Late Sixteenth- and Early Seventeenth-Century English Drama." In Embodied Voices : Representing Female Vocality in Western Culture, ed. Leslie C. Dunn and Nancy A. Jones, 83-102. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994.

Austern, Linda Phyllis. "'Alluring the auditorie to effeminacie': Music and the Idea of the Feminine in Early Modern England." Music & letters 74/3 (1993), 343-354.

Austern, Linda Phyllis. "Music and the English Renaissance Controversy over Women." In Cecilia Reclaimed: Feminist Perspectives on Gender and Music, ed. Susan C. Cook and Judy S. Tsou, 52-69. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1994.

Austern, Linda Phyllis. "'Sing againe Syren': The Female Musician and Sexual Enchantment in Elizabethan Life and Literature." Renaissance Quarterly 42 (1989), 420-48.

Baldauf-Berdes, Jane L. "Anna Maria della Pieta: The Woman Musician of Venice Personified." In Cecilia Reclaimed: Feminist Perspectives on Gender and Music, ed. Susan C. Cook and Judy S. Tsou, 134-155. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1994.

Bowers, Jane M. "Music in Italian Convents."Helicon 9 (1983), 65-66.

Bruckner, Matilda Tomaryn. "Fictions of the Female Voice: The Women Troubadours." Speculum 67/4 (1992), 865-891.

Burgan, Mary. "Heroines at the Piano: Women and Music in Nineteenth-Century Fiction." Victorian Studies 30 (Autumn 1986), 51-76.

Cox, Renée. "A History of Music." The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 48/4 (1990), 395-409.

Cook , Susan C. "'Cursed Was She': Gender and Power in American Balladry." In Cecilia Reclaimed: Feminist Perspectives on Gender and Music, ed. Susan C. Cook and Judy S. Tsou, 202-224. Urbana : University of Illinois Press, 1994. [Fuller and Warren]

Cusick, Suzanne G. "Gendering Modern Music: Thoughts on the Monteverdi-Artusi Controversy." Journal of the American Musicological Society 46/1 (1993), 1-25.

Cusick, Suzanne G. "Of Women, Music, and Power: A Model from Seicento Florence." In Musicology and Difference: Gender and Sexuality in Music Scholarship, ed. Ruth Solie, 281-304. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993. 

Cusick, Suzanne G. "Of Women, Music, and Power: A Model from Seicento Florence." In Musicology and Difference: Gender and Sexuality in Music Scholarship, ed. Ruth Solie, 281-304. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993.

Davis, Angela. "Black Women and Music: A Historical Legacy of Struggle." In Wild Women in the Whirlwind: Afro-American Culture and the Contmporary Loterary Renaissance, ed. Joanne Braxton and Andree Nicola McCLaughlin. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1990.

Diether, Jack. "The Murderous Marriage of Alma and Gustav Mahler." In The Helicon Nine Reader, ed. Gloria Hickok, 283-293. Kansas City: Helicon Nine Editions, 1990.

Elkins-Marlow, Laurine. "'Music at Every Meeting': Music in the National League of American Pen Women and the General Federation of Women's Clubs, 1920-1940." In Politics, Gender, and the Arts: Women, the Arts, and Society, ed. Ronald Dotterer and Susan Bowers. London: Associated University Presses, 1992.

Goodwin, Sarah Webster. "Wordsworth and Romantic Voice: The Poet's Song and the Prostitute's Cry." In Embodied Voices : Representing Female Vocality in Western Culture, ed. Leslie C. Dunn and Nancy A. Jones, 65-82. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994.

Greer, David. A Numerous and Fashionable Audience: The Story of Elsie Swinton. London: Thames Publishing, 1997. [performer, Harty, Grainger, Fauré, Stravinsky, Prokofiev, Szymanowski, Rubinstein] annotation

Harris, Gerry. "Regarding History: Some Narratives Concerning the Cafe-Concert, Le Music Hall, and the Feminist Academic." TDR 40 (Winter 1996), 70-84.

Head, Matthew. "Like beauty spots on the face of a man": Gender in 18th-century North-German Discourse on Genre." Journal of Musicology 13 (Spring 1995), 143-67. [CPE Bach, genre]

Heskes, Irene. "Miriam's Sisters: Jewish Women and Liturgical Music." Notes 48 (1992), 1193-1211.

Higgins, Paula. "The 'Other Minervas': Creative Women at the Court of Margaret of Scotland." In Rediscovering the Muses: Women's Musical Traditions, ed. Kimberly Marshall. Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1993.

Higgins, Paula Marie. "Parisian Nobles, a Scottish Princess, and the Woman's Voice in Late Medieval Song." Early Music History 10 (1991), 145-200.

Hizer-Jenkins, Lynn. "Instruments and Gender in 19th-century Music-Making." NACWPI Journal 44/3 (1996), 4-12.

Horowitz, Joseph. "Finding a 'Real Self': American Women and the Wagner Cult of the Late Nineteenth Century." The Musical Quarterly 78 (Summer 1994), 189-205.

Howard, Patricia. "The Influence of the Precieuses on Content and Structure in Quinault's and Lully's Tragedies Lyriques." Acta Musicologica 63 (1991), 57-72. 

Hyde, Derek. New Found Voices: Women in Nineteenth-Century English Music. London: Belvedere, 1984.

Kallberg, Jeffrey. "The Harmony of the Tea Table: Gender and Ideology in the Piano Nocturne." Representations 39 (1992), 102-133. [nocturne, salon, genre]

Kendrick, Robert. "Feminized Devotion, Musical Nuns and the "New-style" Lombard Motet of the 1640s." In Rediscovering the Muses: Women's Musical Traditions, ed. Kimberly Marshall. Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1993.

Kopelson, Kevin. Beethoven's Kiss: Pianism, Perversion, and the Mastery of Desire. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1996.

Leppert, Richard D. "Sexual Identity, Death, and the Family Piano." Nineteenth-Century Music 16/2 (1992), 105-128.

Leppert, Richard. "Social Order and the Domestic Consumption of Music: The Politics of Sound in the Policing of Gender Construction in Eighteenth-Century England." In The Consumption of Culture, 1600-1800: Image, Object, Text, ed. Ann Bermingham and John Brewer. New York: Routledge, 1995.

Lorraine, Renee. "A History of Music." In Feminism and Tradition in Aesthetics, ed. Peggy Zeglin Brand and Carolyn Korsmeyer. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1995.

Macleod, Beth Abelson. "'Whence comes the lady tympanist?' Gender and Instrumental Musicians in America, 1853-1990." Journal of Social History 27 (Winter 1993), 291-308.

Marshall, Kimberly, ed. Rediscovering the Muses: Women's Musical Traditions Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1993.

McFarland, A. S. "Papal Singer, the Musica Segreta, and a Woman Musician at the Papal Court: The View from the Private Treasury of Paul III." Studi Musici 24 (1995), 209-230.

McGinty, Doris Evans. "Black Women in the Music of Washington, D.C., 1900-20." In New Perspectives on Music: Essays in Honor of Eileen Southern. Warren, MI: Harmonie Park, 1992, 409-449.

Miller, Beth L. "The Ridgelys of Hampton: New Perspectives on Musical Life in Early-Nineteenth-Century Baltimore." Journal of Musicological Research 14/1-2 (1994), 35-54.

Monson, Craig A. Disembodied Voices: Music and Culture in an Early Modern Italian Convent. University of California Press, 1995.

Moore, Julianna. "Women and the Flute in the Nineteenth Century." In Fluting and Dancing: Articles and Reminiscences for Betty Bang Mather on her 65th birthday. New York: McGinnis & Marx, 1992: 51-60.

Pederson, Sanna. "On the Task of the Music Historian: The Myth of the Symphony after Beethoven." repercussions 2/2 (1993), 5-30. [Germany, A.B.Marx, Dahlhaus, Beethoven]

Post, Jennifer C. "Erasing the Boundaries Between Public and Private in Women's Performance Traditions." In Cecilia Reclaimed: Feminist Perspectives on Gender and Music, ed. Susan C. Cook and Judy S. Tsou, 35-51. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1994.

Reich, Nancy B. "Women as Musicians: A Question of Class." In Musicology and Difference: Gender and Sexuality in Music Scholarship, ed. Ruth Solie, 125-148. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993.

Rieger, Eva. "'Dolce semplice'?: On the Changing Role of Women in Music." In Feminist Aesthetics, ed. Gisela Ecker, trans. Harriet Anderson. Boston: Beacon Press, 1986.

Schroeder, David P. "Alban Berg and Peter Altenberg: Intimate Art and the Aesthetics of Life." Journal of the American Musicological Society 46 (Summer 1993), 261-94.

Scott, Derek B. "Sexuality and Musical Style from Monteverdi to Mae West." In The Last Post: Music after Modernism, 132-149. Manchester, United Kingdom: Manchester University Press, 1993.

Scott, Derek B. "The Sexual Politics of Victorian Musical Aesthetics." Journal of the Royal Musical Association 119/1 (1994), 91-114.

Smyth, Ethel. The Memoirs of Ethel Smyth. Abridged and introduction by Ronald Crichton. List of Works by Jorry Bennet. London: Viking Press, 1987.

Solie, Ruth A. "Sophie Drinker's History." In Disciplining Music: Musicology and Its Canons, ed. Katherine Bergeron and Philip V. Bohlman, 23-43. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992.

Steblin, Rita. "The Gender Steroetyping of Musical Instruments in the Western Tradition." Canadian University Music Review 16/1 (1995), 128-144.

Steinberg, Michael P. "Culture, Gender and Music: A Forum on the Mendelssohn Family (Introduction)." The Musical Quarterly 77/4 (1993), 648-650.

Touliatos, Diane. "The Traditional Role of Greek Women in Music from Antiquity to the End of the Byzantine Empire." In Rediscovering the Muses: Women's Musical Traditions, ed. Kimberly Marshall, 111-123. Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1993.

Treitler, Leo. "The Politics of Reception: Tailoring the Present as Fulfillment of a Desired Past." Journal of the Royal Musical Association 116/2 (1991), 280-298. [chant, Oriental, Rousseau, ritual]

White, Linda. "'The Most Potent Force' in American Music: The Role of Women's Music Clubs in American Concert Life." The Musical Woman: An Interdisciplinary Perspective 3 (1986-1990), 663-681.

Whitesitt, Linda. "The Role of Women Impresarios in American Concert Life, 1871-1933." American Music 7 (Summer 1989), 159-80.

Whittemore, Joan. "The Revision Repertoire of the Ospedali Veneziani." The Choral Journal 34/8 (1994), 9-13.

Wood, Elizabeth. "Performing Rights: A Sonography of Women's Suffrage." The Musical Quarterly 79 (Winter 1995), 606-43.

Wright, Josephine R.B. "Black Women in Classical Music in Boston During the Late Nineteenth Century: Profiles of Leadership." In New Perspectives on Music: Essays in Honor of Eileen Southern. Warren, MI: Harmonie Park, 1992: 373-407.

Zaimont, Judith Lang, and Mary Brown Hinely. "The Awakening: Creative Contributions to American Music by Southem Women, 1860-1960." In A New Perspective: Southern Women's Cultural History from the Civil War to Civil Rights, ed. Priscilla Cortelyou Little and Robert C. Vaughan, 65-76. Charlottesville, VA: Virginia Foundation for the Humanities, 1989.

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