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Society for Music Theory
Committee on the Status of Women
Bibliography of Sources Related to Women's Studies, Gender Studies,
Feminism, and Music
This bibliography was developed by the Committee on the Status of Women as part of its mission to be of service to the Society for Music Theory in matters that are critical to all music theorists; this includes promoting gender equity and feminist scholarship in areas related to music theory, and serving as a repository of information about women and music. Comments and questions about the bibliography, or about the CSW in general, should be directed to Janna Saslaw, Chair, or Elizabeth Sayrs, CSW Chair 1996-2001. The bibliography may be accessed several ways (some are still under development). The entire bibliography may be viewed for browsing (it will take a few moments to load), either divided into categories (book reviews, analyses of music by women, opera, and so on); or, for those ready to move beyond boundaries, without categories. You may also browse individual categories (this downloads faster than the full bibliography). In the future, searches by author or keyword will be available. We also encourage you to submit additional citations to the bibliography, or annotate existing citations (email for now, but an online form will be available soon).
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This page last updated on August 7, 2002