//--------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: feature-extract5.ck // desc: sets up automated extraction over a training dataset // this example can be adapted to other labeled audio dataset // // version: need chuck version or higher // sorting: part of ChAI (ChucK for AI) // // DATA: by default, this uses the GTZAN dataset: // download and unzip updated version: // https://chuck.stanford.edu/chai/data/gtzan/ // // USAGE: this is purely for feature extraction on training data, so... // run chuck in non-real-time mode (this actually can be much // faster than real-time mode, since it doesn't synch to audio): // // extract and print // > chuck --silent 2-extract.ck // // extract and write to FILE // > chuck --silent 2-extract.ck:FILE // // date: Fall 2024 // authors: Ge Wang (https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~ge/) // Kiran Bhat // Yikai Li //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // output file (if empty, will print to console) "data/features5.txt" => string OUTPUT_FILE; // get from arguments if( me.args() > 0 ) me.arg(0) => OUTPUT_FILE; // check if( Machine.silent() == false ) { // print helpful message <<< "-----------------", "" >>>; <<< "[feature-extract]: chuck is currently running in REAL-TIME mode;", "" >>>; <<< "[feature-extract]: this step has no audio; may run much faster in SILENT mode!", "" >>>; <<< "[feature-extract]: to run in SILENT mode, restart chuck with --silent flag", "" >>>; <<< "-----------------", "" >>>; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // analysis network -- this determines which feature will be extracted //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // audio input into a FFT SndBuf audioFile => FFT fft; audioFile => Flip flip; // a thing for collecting multiple features into one vector FeatureCollector combo => blackhole; // add spectral feature: Centroid fft =^ Centroid centroid =^ combo; // // add spectral feature: Flux fft =^ Flux flux =^ combo; // // add spectral feature: RMS fft =^ RMS rms =^ combo; // add spectral feature: RollOff fft =^ RollOff rolloff =^ combo; // add feature: ZeroX flip =^ ZeroX zerox =^ combo; // add spectral feature: Chroma fft =^ Chroma chroma =^ combo; // outputs 12 features? // add spectral feature: Kurtosis fft =^ Kurtosis kurtosis =^ combo; //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // setting analysis parameters -- important for tuning your extraction //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // do one .upchuck() so FeatureCollector knows how many total dimension combo.upchuck(); // get number of total feature dimensions combo.fvals().size() => int NUM_DIMENSIONS; // set FFT size 2048 => fft.size; // set window type and size Windowing.hann(fft.size()) => fft.window; // our hop size (how often to perform analysis) 2048::samp => dur HOP; //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // training data -- preparation specific to a train dataset //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // labels (and filename roots) ["blues", "classical", "country", "disco", "hiphop", "jazz", "metal", "pop", "reggae", "rock"] @=> string labels[]; // how many per label 100 => int NUM_EXAMPLES_PER_LABEL; // how much time to aggregate features for each file 30::second => dur EXTRACT_TIME; // given EXTRACT_TIME and HOP, how many frames per file? (EXTRACT_TIME / HOP) $ int => int numFrames; // relative path "data/gtzan/genres_original/" => string PATH; // a feature frame float featureFrame[NUM_DIMENSIONS]; // how many input files 0 => int NUM_FILES; // output reference, default is error stream (cherr) cherr @=> IO @ theOut; // instantiate FileIO fout; // output file if( OUTPUT_FILE != "" ) { // print <<< "opening file for output:", OUTPUT_FILE >>>; // open fout.open( OUTPUT_FILE, FileIO.WRITE ); // test if( !fout.good() ) { <<< "cannot open file for writing...", "" >>>; me.exit(); } // override fout @=> theOut; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // extraction -- iterating over entire training dataset //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // filename string filename; // loop over labels for( int i; i < labels.size(); i++) { // get current label labels[i] => string label; // loop over examples under each label for( int j; j < NUM_EXAMPLES_PER_LABEL; j++ ) { // construct filepath me.dir() + PATH + label + "/" + label + ".000" + (j<10?"0":"") + j + ".wav" => filename; // extract the file if( !extractFeatures( filename, label, theOut ) ) { // issue warning cherr <= "PROBLEM during extraction: " <= filename <= IO.newline(); // bail out me.exit(); } } } // flush the output theOut.flush(); //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // function: extract and print features from a single file //--------------------------------------------------------------------- fun int extractFeatures( string inputFilePath, string label, IO out ) { // increment NUM_FILES++; // log cherr <= "[" <= NUM_FILES <= "] extracting features: " <= inputFilePath <= IO.newline(); // load by block to speed up IO 2048 => audioFile.chunks; // read the audio file inputFilePath => audioFile.read; // zero out featureFrame.zero(); // let one FFT-size of time pass (to buffer) fft.size()::samp => now; // loop over frames for( int i; i < numFrames; i++ ) { //------------------------------------------------------------- // a single upchuck() will trigger analysis on everything // connected upstream from combo via the upchuck operator (=^) // the total number of output dimensions is the sum of // dimensions of all the connected unit analyzers //------------------------------------------------------------- combo.upchuck(); // for each dimension for( int d; d < NUM_DIMENSIONS; d++ ) { // copy combo.fval(d) +=> featureFrame[d]; } // advance time HOP => now; } //------------------------------------------------------------- // average into a single feature vector per file // NOTE: this can be easily modified to N feature vectors // spread out over the length of an audio file; for now // we will just do one feature vector per file //------------------------------------------------------------- for( int d; d < NUM_DIMENSIONS; d++ ) { // average by total number of frames numFrames /=> featureFrame[d]; // print the MFCC results out <= featureFrame[d] <= " "; } // print label name and endline out <= label <= IO.newline(); // done return true; }