//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* 5-parameter FM synth by Jeff Snyder wekinator mod by Rebecca Fiebrink (2009-2015) updated by Ge Wang (2023) USAGE: This example receives Wekinator "/wek/outputs/" messages over OSC and maps incoming parameters to musical parameters; This example is designed to run with a sender, which can be: 1) the Wekinator application, OR 2) another Chuck/ChAI program containing a Wekinator object This example expects to receive 5 continuous parameters in the range [0,1]; these parameters are mapped to musical parameters in map2sound(). SOUND: this uses FM synthesis: * generates a sawtooth wave (carrier) * which is frequency-modulated by a sine wave (modulator) * which then gets put through a low-pass filter * and has an amplitude envelope This example is "always on" -- no note triggering with keyboard expected parameters for this class are: 0 = midinote pitch of Sawtooth oscillator (carrier freq) 1 = lowpass filter cutoff frequency 2 = Master gain (carrier gain) 3 = fm oscillator midinote pitch (modulator freq) 4 = fm oscillator index (modulator index) */ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // create our OSC receiver OscIn oscin; // a thing to retrieve message contents OscMsg msg; // use port 12000 (default Wekinator output port) 12000 => oscin.port; // listen for "/wek/output" message with 5 floats coming in oscin.addAddress( "/wek/outputs, ffff" ); // print <<< "listening for OSC message from Wekinator on port 12000...", "" >>>; <<< " |- expecting \"/wek/outputs\" with 4 continuous parameters...", "" >>>; // synthesis patch SawOsc fmosc => SinOsc s => Envelope vol => dac; // Wurley voc => JCRev r => Envelope vol => dac; // set to do FM synthesis 2 => s.sync; // set envelope duration 10::ms => vol.duration; // set carrier frequency 50 => Std.mtof => s.freq; // expecting 5 output dimensions 4 => int NUM_PARAMS; float myParams[NUM_PARAMS]; // envelopes for smoothing parameters // (alternately, can use slewing interpolators; SEE: // https://chuck.stanford.edu/doc/examples/vector/interpolate.ck) Envelope envs[NUM_PARAMS]; for( 0 => int i; i < NUM_PARAMS; i++ ) { envs[i] => blackhole; .5 => envs[i].value; 10::ms => envs[i].duration; } // set the latest parameters as targets // NOTE: we rely on map2sound() to actually interpret these parameters musically fun void setParams( float params[] ) { // make sure we have enough if( params.size() >= NUM_PARAMS ) { // adjust the synthesis accordingly 0.0 => float x; for( 0 => int i; i < NUM_PARAMS; i++ ) { // get value params[i] => x; // clamp it if( x < 0 ) 0 => x; if( x > 1 ) 1 => x; // set as target of envelope (for smoothing) x => envs[i].target; // remember x => myParams[i]; } } } // function to map incoming parameters to musical parameters fun void map2sound() { // time loop while( true ) { // FYI envs[i] are used for smoothing param values envs[0].value() * 100 + 20 => Std.mtof => s.freq; envs[1].value() * .5 => s.gain; envs[2].value() * 100 + 20 => Std.mtof => fmosc.freq; envs[3].value() * 400 => fmosc.gain; // time 10::ms => now; } } // turn volume off! fun void soundOff() { vol.keyOff(); } // turn volume on! fun void soundOn() { //<<< "SOUUUUUUUND">>>; vol.keyOn(); } fun void waitForEvent() { // array to hold params float p[NUM_PARAMS]; // infinite event loop while( true ) { // wait for OSC message to arrive oscin => now; // grab the next message from the queue. while( oscin.recv(msg) ) { // print stuff cherr <= msg.address <= " "; // unpack our 5 floats into our array p for( int i; i < NUM_PARAMS; i++ ) { // put into array msg.getFloat(i) => p[i]; // print cherr <= p[i] <= " "; } // print cherr <= IO.newline(); // set the parameters setParams( p ); } } } // spork osc receiver loop spork ~waitForEvent(); // spork mapping function spork ~ map2sound(); // turn on sound soundOn(); // time loop to keep everything going while( true ) 1::second => now;