Velazquez et la Princesse Margarita
In memory of Jean Claude Risset, for John Chowning and for the Margarita(S). This is an eight-channel Ambisonics shaped by Lissajous patterns for sound paths in addition to Rhythmic Paradoxes and Spectral modeling. Figures and symmetries are harvested by a continuum of accelarandi and de-accelarandi from voiced sounds. Title and text in Spanish allude Velazquez's masterpiece ``Las Meninas''. This music version was molded after a radio-art work named ``Trax Pong'' also by the composer and using own custom software plus Bill Shottstaedt's Common Lisp Music.
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... Down mix of ``Velazquez et la Princesse Margarita''
TxRx Pong: (Radio-Art work)
Its gestures are generated by means of signal processing on a previous work (Las Meninas), by this composer. The concept here, is that of: ``anything can be sent by the air''. Therefore, the use of Jean-Claude Risset's increasing and decreasing beat method (otherwise known as rhythmic paradox), for obtaining sounds for this composition. The voice of Colombian art critic Pia Barragan, is transformed by a computer algorithm modeling a rhythmic paradox. Then, it is sent to air by a set of electronic FM transmitters. The sound of voice speeds up or slows down perceptually, giving the notion of a perpetual accelarandi or ritardandi. Sounds with phonetic nuances which go on and out-of-phase, create contrasts and tensions for the development of this work. TxRx Pong was composed on PlaneCCRMA Linux, using Bill Shottstaedt's Snd, and was part of ``Proyecto Transmisiones'', Salones Regionales, Salon Nacional de Artistas, Ministry of Culture, Colombia, (2007-2008).