c u r r i c u l u m - v i t a e
International Artistic Activity
Theses and Dissertations Adviser on (topics):
Born, September 25th 1962, Barranquilla, Colombia
Contact Address: CCRMA, 660 Lomita Drive, Stanford, California 94305
Telephones : 650-364-5764 or 650-723-4971
Email: juanig@ccrma.stanford.edu
University of Tampa, Tampa Fl. USA:
BS. Mathematics, 1987,
BM., Music Theory and Composition,1988
CCRMA, Stanford University, Stanford CA. USA:
Workshop on Algorithmic Composition,1993
Workshop on Synthesis and Composition,1995
Workshop on Signal Processing,1996
Visiting Scholar, 1999-2002
1987; 13th Computer Music Conference, University of Illinois, Champaign, USA., july 1987.
1989; 89th, Audio Engineering Society Meeting , New York,October 1989.
1989; 15th International Computer Music Conference, Ohio State University, Columbus, USA , November,1989.
1990; Computer Aided Plant Management and Manufacturing, , APV, Lake Mills, USA july 1990.
1990; 93rd Audio Engineering Society Meeting, Los Angeles, USA. September 1990.
1992; 18th International Computer Music Conference, November 1992, San Jose State University, San Jose, USA.
1993; Pro- School, An Introduction to Disk Based Recording Technology, Digidesign Inc., Fort Lauderdale, USA. May 1993.
1994; National Association of Broadcasters, Las Vegas, April, 1994.
1994; Audio Engineering Society Convention, November 1994, San Francisco, USA.
1995; Non Linear Video and Audio Editing Systems, National Association of Broadcasters, Las Vegas, USA, April 1995.
1995; Encuentro de Estudiantes de Ingeniería de Sistemas, Universidad de Valle, Cali, Colombia,August 1995.
1996; 22nd International Computer Music Conference, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, August 1996.
1997; IV Simposio Brasilero de Computaceao y Musica, Universidad de Brasilia, August 1997.
1997; 23rd International Computer Music Conference, Thessaloniki, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, September 1997.
1998; Convergence Technologies, National Association of Broadcasters, Las Vegas, USA, april 1998
1998; "An Introduction to Dolby Digital Production and Encoding" Dolby Laboratories, september 1998, San Francisco, USA.
1998; Audio Engineering Society Convention, september 1998, San Francisco, USA
1998; 24th International Computer Music Conference, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor USA,October 1998.
1998; V Simposio de Tratamiento de Señales, Imágenes y Visión Artificial, Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica, Universidad de Los Andes, Santafé de Bogotá, November,1998.
1999; VI Simposio Brasilero de Computaceao & Musica, Escola de Musica da UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 1999
1999; 11th Annual Conference on Systems Research, Informatics, and Cybernetics / The Symposium on Systems Research in the Arts; Institute of Systems Research, Informatics, and Cybernetics, Baden Baden, Germany, August, 1999.
1988-1990; Traditional Piano recitals on several halls in Bogota,Colombia
1989; Participant of the First Contemporary Music Festival of Bogota, Colombia
1989; Concert with dance choreography, paint in motion but not animation and computer music at El Camarín del Carmen in Bogotá
1990-1997; Organizer, producer, technical advisor of the International Contemporary Music Festivals of Santafé de Bogotá - Colombia.
1990; Dialogos por Paz, an electroacoustic composition and soundscape of Colombian violent life, gets honorary mention at UNESCO Young Composers' Competition. Paris, France.
1990; Incorporates MIDI and Computer Music techniques to recordings and composition of Colombian major artists, Jazz pianist Armando Velazquez, "rock en español" group Pasaporte and Maria Angélica Mallarino solo and chorale group.
1990; Invited to be part of the Colombian Young Composers Annual Cycle.
1991; Composer and co-producer of the happening "Las Meninas paint, acting and music past present and vision" at the gallery Café y Libro in Bogotá
1992; Composes a series of pieces titled "Objetos Sonoros" or Sonic Gadgets for an interdisciplinary presentation of "El Hilo de Ariadna" The subject of this project is the spiral and its production was realized at La Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
1993; Co-organizes and directs the First Acousmatic Cycle of Santafé de Bogotá at Centro Cultural del Gimnasio Moderno.
1994; Equus and Resonancias is composed by only using computer music synthesis and algorithmic composition. These are a series of incidental music compositions for the stage production and dance choreography of Equus by Peter Schaffer in Colombia.
1994; Is special guest at Festival of Electronic and Live Electronics Music Festival in Manizales , Colombia. This venue was produced by Laboratório de Música por Computador Jaqueline Nova at La Universidad Autónoma de Manizales.
1995; Co-organizes and directs the Second Acousmatic Cycle of Santafé de Bogotá at the Alberto Lleras auditorium in La Universidad de Los Andes.
1996; First composition with Spectral Modeling: Choi-Hung, premiered at Festival de La Primera Oreja. Facultad de Artes, Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
1997; Computer Music of Juan Reyes, V International Contemporary Music Festival of Santafé de Bogotá, april 1997
1997; Research and composition of Straw-berri, a piece with plucked string and flute physical models realized at MOX - Computación Avanzada en Ingenieria, in La Universidad de Los Andes.
1997; Participant and producer of Ciclo de La Segunda Oreja, Conservatório de Música, Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
1998 Sygfrydo, a composition with Expression Modeling, Spectral and Physical Models of the strings of the cello is premiered in the historic concert 33 años de Electroacústica en Colombia, at the Recital Hall of the Biblioteca Luis Angel Arango, Banco de La República. Bogotá
1998; Choi-Hung is performed in the concert Electroacústica Colombiana at Biblioteca Luis Angel Arango, November 1998.
1998; His piece Joselito is performed in the concert: A celebration of Fifty Years of Musique Concrete at El Museo Nacional de Colombia.
1999; San Sounds, also a piece with Expression Modeling, and Granular synthesis is premiered at the concert Electroacústica de Vanguardia, Biblioteca Luis Angel Arango.Banco de La República, Bogotá.
1999; Composes and performs incidental music for "La Piel y sus Metáforas" tale-telling and music at La Casa del Teatro in Bogotá.
1999; Composes the music for Los Vientos de Los Santos Apóstoles and co-develops with Cynthia Lawson its sound installation for the Festival de Artes Electrónicas Tele-Visión, Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá, May of 1999.
2001 Oranged (Lima - Limón), A multichannel composition for FM-synthesis . Also performed at MALOKA, Festival Internacional de Música Contemporánea, April 2001.
2001 Concierto Carmatico: Pieces from Stanford Composers. Festival Internacional de Los Tiempos del Ruido, Bogota- Colombia. November, 2001.
2002 Multichannel Highlights: Colón Electrónico, Bogota- Colombia. May, 2002.
International Artistic Activity
1992; Spring Electroacoustic Music Festival, Vienna, Austria april, 1992.
1990; Young composers concert and competition, UNESCO, Paris France, may 1990.
1993; Synthese International Music Festivals, Bourges, France, June 1993.
1994; Synthese International Music Festivals, Bourges, France, June 1994
1994; Electroacoustic Music Concerts. Clark University. Worcester, USA
1996; A Latin American Electroacoustic Perspective, Montreal, October 1996.
1997; IV SBCM, Brasilia, Brazil, August 1997
1998; North Carolina Sate University, Spring Electroacoustic Music Festival, March 1998
1998; Computer Music and Text, Manuel Rocha Iturbide, Mexico DF, Mexico, April 1998
1998; Florida Electroacoustic Music Festival, University Of Florida, Gainsville, USA April, 1998
1998; University of the Pacific, Computer Music Series, University of the Pacific, Walnut Creek, California, USA, May 1998
1998; Synthese International Music Festivals, Bourges, France, June 1998.
1998; International Computer Music Conference, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor , USA, October 1998.
1999; COMPOSERS FORUM at UNT, Latin American Music Gallery, University of North Texas, Denton, TX, USA, March of 1999.
1999; Latin American Computer Music; Florida Electroacoustic Music Festival, "San-Sounds" University Of Florida, Gainsville, USA, April, 1999
1999; Concerts at Laboratorio Nacional de Musica Electroacustica, Havana Cuba, July of 1999.
1999; Music at Stanford, Fall Concert, Campbell Recital Hall, Stanford, USA.
2000; Research and composition of PPP a piano and multiple soundfile piece, CCRMA, Stanford, USA.
2000; CNMAT - CCRMA Exchange. San Francisco Bay Area, California, USA.,CCRMA, Stanford, USA.
2000; ppP A piece for piano and physical model of the piano fine tuned in the Pierce - Bohlen scale. Premiered by J-Theta, Ching-Wen Chao at the Piano. CCRMA Strictly Ballroom conncert series Stanford University. November, 2000.
2001; Production of concert: “Colombian Electroacoustic Music”. Strictly Ballroom conncert series. CCRMA, Stanford, USA. February, 2001.
2001; Oranged (Lima - Limón), A multichannel composition for FM-synthesis . Premiered at Campbell Recital Hall, Stanford University. Also performed at MALOKA, Festival Internacional de Música Contemporánea, Bogotá- Colombia , Apriil 2001.
2001; COMPOSERS FORUM at UNT, [Oranged (lima-limón)], Latin American Music Gallery, University of North Texas, Denton, TX, USA, March of 2001.
2001; ppP is performed at the CCRMA Spring Concert. Ching-Wen Chao at the Piano. Campbell Recital Hall, Stanford University. April, 2001.
2001; Wadi Musa (Or the Monteria Hat), A piece for quenas, cello, live electronics and multichannel media. Premiered at the CCRMA summer concert , Stanford University. Patricio de La Cuadra (Andean Fllutes, Gabriela Olivares Cello.
2002; Chryseis, A piece for Scan synthesis and multichannel media in the Pierce - Bohlen scale. Premiered by Charles Nichols, CCRMA / Southern Califonia Exchange Concerts. California April, 2002.
2003; Feather Rollerball, A composition for piano, radio baton and scanned synthesis. Premiered by Ann Unju Yi (piano), and Oded Ben-Tal CCRMA / University of Washington Exchange. California May, 2003.
1993-1996; Professor of Music, Music Department Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá
1994; Several talks on topics including: Computer Tools for Music, Computer Aided Composition, Computers in Musical Performance at Jaqueline Nova Computer Music Laboratory, Universidad Autónoma de Manizales, November of 1994.
1995-1999; Professor of Arts, College of Arts and Textiles Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá.
1995; Workshop on "An Introduction to Algorithmic Composition", Conservatório de Música, Universidad Nacional De Colombia march 1995.
1995; "Introduction to Computer Aided Composition". Encuentro regional de estudiantes de Ingeniería de Sistemas. Universidad del Valle, Cali. Colombia. August of 1995.
1997; "An Intuitive Interface for SMS", at the IV Simposio Brasilero de Presentation of Computaceao & Musica, Brasilia University, Brazil, August 1996.
1997; Workshops on "State of the Art of Music Technologies", "Introduction to Spectral Modeling", Introduction to Physical Models, and Sound Synthesis", "Digital Audio and Sound Synthesis", "Algorithmic Composition and Sound Synthesis". Conservatorio de Música, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, april 1997.
1998; Presentation of "Music Education with Computers in Colombia", 1998 International Computer Conference, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor EE. UU.
1998; Presentation of "Expression Modeling with SMS",DAFX98 Digital Audio Effects, Universidad Pompeau Fabra, Barcelona, Spain.
1998; Presentation of "Modelos de Expresión Musical basados en Procesamiento de Señal de Audio", V Simposio de Tratamiento de señales, Imágenes y Visión Artificial, Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica, Universidad de Los Andes, Santafé de Bogotá, Colombia, November 1998.
1999; "The Influence of Text in Computer Music Composition", at the VI Simposio Brasilero de Computaceao & Musica, Escola de Musica da UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 1999.
1999; Presentation of "Expression with Algorithms at Los Andes", at the 11th Annual Conference on Systems Research, Informatics, and Cybernetics / Symposium on Systems Research in the Arts; Institute of Systems Research, Informatics, and Cybernetics, Baden Baden, Germany, August of 1999.
1999; "The Influence of Text in Computer Music", CCRMA Colloquium, CCRMA, Stanford University, Stanford, USA, October of 1999.
2000; ''Los Vientos de Los Santos Apóstoles: a sound installation and the composition process'', Stanford University Composer's Forum, Brian Ferneygough, composer in charge. Stanford University, Stanford, USA, November of 2000.
2001; ''Parameter Manipulation for Composing with Physical Models'', CCRMA Affiliates Open House. Stanford University, May 2001
2001; ''Reconocimiento de Patrones: Una Aproximación para Expresión de Instrumentos y Arte Interactiva'', MEAT, Medios Electrónicos y Artes del Tiempo, Departamento de Artes, Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas, Universidad de Los Andes, August 2001.
2001; ''Wadi-Musa & ppP: Composiciones Realizadas en Ambientes Open Source'', MEAT, Medios Electrónicos y Artes del Tiempo, Departamento de Artes, Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas, Universidad de Los Andes, August2001.
2002; ''Composing for the Physical Model of The Maracas '', CCRMA DSP Seminar, Jullius Smith III, EE - Music professor in charge. Stanford University, April 2002.
2002; ''CCRMA Studio Report '', Proceedings of ICMC-2002. ICMC - 2002 Gothemborg, Sweeden. ICMA, September 2002.
1989; Composition with MIDI.
Audio and Video Synchronization (ongoing)
1990; Digital recording technologies
1993; Digital Signal Processing
Software Sound Synthesis (ongoing)
Algorithmic Composition (ongoing)
1995; Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Music
1996; Physical Modeling and Spectral Modeling
1997; Wavelet mathematics and analysis
1997; Musical Expressiveness and Gesture Modeling. (ongoing)
1998; Audio Compression
1998; Symbolic Computation
1999; Human Computer Interface
2000; Chaos and Attractors for synthesis of sound and composition (ongoing)
2001; Dynamic Systems (ongoing)
2001; Scanned Synthesis
2002; Friction on Bowed Instruments
2002; Music Information and Representation
2002; Resonant (bi-quad) filters for additive synthesis
2003; Algoritmic and Constraint based composition
Theses and Dissertations Adviser on (topics):
Algorithmic Composition
Electroacustic Composition and Live Electronics
Mathematics for Musicians
Spectral Models
Physical Models
Human Computer Interface
1989-1993; Lactoservicios Ltda. Bogotá - Colombia: Manager of Information Systems.
1993-1999 Founder and president of Musicomp Ltda., A Colombian company focused on digital audio and video consulting as well as distributor of major audio manufacturers.
1993-1996; Assistant Professor of Music, Music Department Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá
1995-1999; Professor of Arts and Technology, College of Arts and Textiles Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá.
2000-; Assistant system's administrator, Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics, Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA.
2001-2002; Editorial Intern, Computer Music Journal, Cambridge, Massachussetts, USA.
1989-1991; Various articles and essays about Computer Music, Music appreciation in Music History and Theory, El Espectador (major newspaper in Colombia).
1992; ''Anagramas'' First Edition, audio cassette with compositions between 1989 and 1991. ECO, Electroacústica Colombiana.
1994; Reyes J.''A History of Electroacoustic Music in Colombia''. Mitteilungen, Hein Folkmar ed. Technology University of Berlin, Germany
1996; ''Equus y Resonancias'', An electroacoustic Choreography and Computer Music, ECO, Electroacustica Colombiana.
1997; Reyes J., Rincon M.., ''Using Spectral Modeling as an Intuitive Approach for Composition among Colombian Composers'', Simpósio Brasilero de Informática Musical, Brasilia. Brazil.
1997; Reyes J., Lawson C., ''Another approach to Expression with Algorithms'', submission to ICMC in 1997.
1998; Reyes J. ''Music Education with Computers in Colombia'', Proceedings of ICMC 98, International Computer Music Association, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.
1998; Reyes J., Lawson C. "Expression Modeling with SMS", Proceedings of DAFX98, Pompeau Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain.
1998; Choi-Hung en CD "Onda ElectroAcústica Colombiana", ACME, Centro Colombo Americano, Banco de La República, Bogotá - Colombia.
1998; "33 Años de ElectroAcústica en Colombia", CD, ECO, Exopotámia Santafé de Bogotá - Colombia
1998; Reyes J, "Modelos de Expresión Musical basados en Procesamiento de Señal de Audio", Proceedings of V Simposio de Tratamiento de Señales, Imágenes y Visión Artificial, Electrical Engineering Department Universidad de Los Andes,Santafé de Bogotá, november of 1998.
1999; Reyes J., M.P. Muñoz, "The Influence of Text in Computer Music Composition", Proceedings of VI Simposio Brasilero de Computaceao y Musica, Escola de Musica da UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July of 1999.
1999; Reyes J., Lawson C, ''Expression with Algorithms at Los Andes'', Proceedings de el Symposium on Systems Research in the Arts de 1999; Institute of Systems Research, Informatics, and Cybernetics, Baden Baden, Germany, August of 1999.
2000; Reyes J., ''Los Vientos de Los Santos Apóstoles: a sound installation'', TeleVision, Museoa de Arte Moderno, Bogotá , Colombia, May of 1999 and http://www-ccrma.stanford.edu/~juanig/piecesFrame.html
2001; Reyes J., ''Parameter Manipulation for Composing with Physical Models'', 2001 CCRMA Overview, CCRMA Stanford California, May 2001.
2001; Reyes J.,''Reconocimiento de Patrones: una aproximación para expresión de instrumentos y arte interactiva'', MEAT, Uniandes , Bogota, Colombia , August 2001 and http//www-ccrma.stanford.edu/~juanig/articles/.
2001; Reyes J.,''Wadi-Musa & ppP: composiciones realizadas en ambientes Open Source'', MEAT, Uniandes , Bogota, Colombia , August 2001 and http;//www-ccrma.stanford.edu/~juanig /articles.
ICMA International Computer Music Association
LACMAI Asociación Latinoamericana de Compositores de Música por Computador e Informática Musical
EMF Electronic Music Foundation
AES Audio Engineering Society
The Planetary Society
National Space Society
Music Composition
Art and Technologies
Audio Recording and Signal Processing
Expression in Language and Expression in Music
Acoustics and Instrumental Modeling
Sound and Music Perception and Cognition
Musical Gadgets
Teletransport and Telecommunications