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``Physically informed'' synthesis implies that the instrument physics are taken into account [3, Gould, 1996]. In deriving parameters for the selected model, and by modifying synthesis parameter values, expressive control of the sound is obtained. In this physical model pitch or frequency parameters are absent but nevertheless duration is a critical factor for the synthesis of a sound. Additionally, energy of the system is manipulated as well as sound decay, system decay, number of beans, damping, probability of collision, shell frequency and shell resonance. An important parameter for controlling rhythmic patterns is the shake rate which faithfully models one single note after another without any glitch or discontinuity. Electro acoustic conditions permitted reverberation, Doppler effects and panning values. Doppler effects combined with reverberation give the impression of an over sized maraca which is being thrown across the whole concert space.

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Created and Mantained by Juan Reyes