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Phrasing and melodic transformations are another class of music gesture which permit use of chaotic expressions. In this, the relationship among a sequence of musical events, past, present and future also determine expressiveness. A group or combination of notes describes not only a melody but how these notes are tied together[2, 1995, Jaffe, Smith]. There can be a function or rule which conducts how these notes are glued together. Thus it can specify durations of musical events as well as space (silence) between each event.

When a chaotic or Random function is applied to the frequency (pitch) of a sound, different shades of noise are obtained. Nevertheless these values can also be applied to filter coefficients providing musical effects. For example, In the case of the Physical Model of the Piano, they can handle detunning factor, stiffness, hammer strike angle, etc. The advantage of using chaos is that the effect seems more natural and reflects the state (energy or entropy) of a real musical instrument.

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