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Partial differential equation example

Our second extended example is a boundary value problem for Laplace's equation. The underlying physical problem involves the conductivity of a medium with cylindrical inclusions and is considered by Keller and Sachs [7].

Find a function $u(x,y)$ satisfying Laplace's equation

u_{xx} + u_{yy} = 0.

The domain is a unit square with a quarter circle of radius rho removed from one corner. There are Neumann conditions on the top and bottom edges and Dirichlet conditions on the remainder of the boundary.
                         u  = 0

                    |             .
                    |             .
                    |              .
                    |               .  u = 1
                    |                 .
                    |                    .
                    |                       .
             u = 0  |                        |
                    |                        |
                    |                        |
                    |                        |  u = 1
                    |                        |
                    |                        |
                    |                        |

                              u  = 0

The effective conductivity of an medium is then given by the integral along the left edge,

\sigma = \int_0^1 u_n (0,y) dy

It is of interest to study the relation between the radius rho and the conductivity sigma. In particular, as rho approaches one, sigma becomes infinite.

Keller and Sachs use a finite difference approximation. The following technique makes use of the fact that the equation is actually Laplace's equation and leads to a much smaller matrix problem to solve.

Consider an approximate solution of the form

u = \sum_{j=1}^n c_j r^{2j-1} \cos(2j-1)t

where r,t are polar coordinates (t is theta). The coefficients are to be determined. For any set of coefficients, this function already satisfies the differential equation because the basis functions are harmonic; it satisfies the normal derivative boundary condition on the bottom edge of the domain because we used cos t in preference to sin t ; and it satisfies the boundary condition on the left edge of the domain because we use only odd multiples of t .

The computational task is to find coefficients so that the boundary conditions on the remaining edges are satisfied as well as possible. To accomplish this, pick m points (r,t) on the remaining edges. It is desirable to have m > n and in practice we usually choose m to be two or three times as large as n . Typical values of n are 10 or 20 and of m are 20 to 60. An m by n matrix A is generated. The i,j element is the j-th basis function, or its normal derivative, evaluated at the i-th boundary point. A right hand side with m components is also generated. In this example, the elements of the right hand side are either zero or one. The coefficients are then found by solving the overdetermined set of equations

Ac = b

in a least squares sense.

Once the coefficients have been determined, the approximate solution is defined everywhere on the domain. It is then possible to compute the effective conductivity sigma . In fact, a very simple formula results,

\sigma = \sum_{j=1}^n (-1)^{j-1} c_j

To use MATLAB for this problem, the following "program" is first stored in the local computer file system, say under the name "PDE".
//Conductivity example.
//Parameters ---
   rho       //radius of cylindrical inclusion
   n         //number of terms in solution
   m         //number of boundary points
//initialize operation counter
   flop = <0 0>;
//initialize variables
   m1 = round(m/3);   //number of points on each straight edge
   m2 = m - m1;       //number of points with Dirichlet conditions
   pi = 4*atan(1);
//generate points in Cartesian coordinates
   //right hand edge
   for i = 1:m1, x(i) = 1; y(i) = (1-rho)*(i-1)/(m1-1);
   //top edge
   for i = m2+1:m, x(i) = (1-rho)*(m-i)/(m-m2-1); y(i) = 1;
   //circular edge
   for i = m1+1:m2, t = pi/2*(i-m1)/(m2-m1+1); ...
      x(i) = 1-rho*sin(t);  y(i) = 1-rho*cos(t);
//convert to polar coordinates
   for i = 1:m-1, th(i) = atan(y(i)/x(i));  ...
      r(i) = sqrt(x(i)**2+y(i)**2);
   th(m) = pi/2;  r(m) = 1;
//generate matrix
   //Dirichlet conditions
   for i = 1:m2, for j = 1:n, k = 2*j-1; ...
      a(i,j) = r(i)**k*cos(k*th(i));
   //Neumann conditions
   for i = m2+1:m, for j = 1:n, k = 2*j-1; ...
      a(i,j) = k*r(i)**(k-1)*sin((k-1)*th(i));
//generate right hand side
   for i = 1:m2, b(i) = 1;
   for i = m2+1:m, b(i) = 0;
//solve for coefficients
   c = A\b
//compute effective conductivity
   c(2:2:n) = -c(2:2:n);
   sigma = sum(c)
//output total operation count
   ops = flop(2)

The program can be used within MATLAB by setting the three parameters and then accessing the file. For example,

   rho = .9;
   n = 15;
   m = 30;
The resulting output is
   RHO   =


   N     =


   M     =


   C     =


   SIGM  =


   OPS   =


A total of 16204 floating point operations were necessary to set up the matrix, solve for the coefficients and compute the conductivity. The operation count is roughly proportional to m*n**2. The results obtained for sigma as a function of rho by this approach are essentially the same as those obtained by the finite difference technique of Keller and Sachs, but the computational effort involved is much less.

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