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- Reading:
- Lecture Videos (Total Viewing Time 4 Hours):
- Signal and Spectra Notation for the DFT
- Review of DFT as a change of coordinates,
Periodic Extension versus Time Limited Signal Windows, DFT
interpolation between spectral samples, ``spectral splatter''
in DFT of non-DFT-sinusoids
- Windowed Signal Segment Gives One Time Sample in the Time-Frequency Distribution
- DFT Linearity, Flip Operator (index reversal),
Flip Theorem, Real Signals have Hermitian (conjugate symmetric)
Spectra, Fourier Duality
- DFT Symmetry Theorems, Even and Odd Functions,
DCT & DST, ``Zero-Phase'' Spectra
- Shift Operator, Shift Theorem,
Linear Phase Terms, Convolution Thm Preview
- Derivation of Convolution from Linearity and Time-Invariance (LTI)
(Superposition) [2015]
- Circular Convolution, Commutativity of
Convolution, Graphical Convolution, Convolution Reverb, Impulse
Response, Convolution Representation of Linear Time-Invariant
(LTI) Filters, Convolution Theorem Stated
- Aliasing Demo
- Continuous Graphical Convolution Demo
- Convolution Theorem Proof, FFT Convolution,
Filter Frequency Response
- Dual of Convolution Theorem, Application to Time-Domain
- Review/FAQ Presented 11/11/2014: Why Vector
Spaces, Signal Energy as Length Squared, Power, RMS, Shift
Theorem, Convolution Theorem
- Correlation, Lagged Product, Correlation Thm,
Power Spectrum
- Power Thm, Parseval's Thm
- Normalized DFT (NDFT) [2015]
- Review of Linearity, Flip, Symmetry, Shift,
Convolution, Correlation, and Power Theorems
- [Optional] Intuitive Explanation of the Sampling Theorem
- Scaling Theorem (continuous time),
Stretch Operator, Stretch Thm, Filter Guard Bands,
Discrete-Time Stretch Thm, Downsampling, Aliasing,
Downsampling Theorem
- FFT Bandlimited Interpolation
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