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- Reading:
- Assignment 2
- Lecture Videos (Total Viewing Time 3 Hours):
- Transfer Functions, Partial Fraction Expansion, Repeated Poles
- Transfer Functions
- State Variable Analog Filters and Digitization
- Repeated Poles at s=0
- Simplest Electrical LPF: RC lowpass; RLC
Circuits: Resistor Equation V = IR, Capacitor Equation Q = CV,
Inductor Equation V = L dI/dt; Kirchhoff Node and Loop Analysis:
Kirchhoff Loop Constraint (Sum of voltages around a loop is zero),
Kirchhoff Node Constraint (Sum of currents into a node is zero);
Voltage Transfer Circuits, Laplace Transform Circuit Analysis,
Transfer Function of RC LPF: Pole-Zero Analysis, Impulse Response,
Time Constant of Decay, Bode Plot
- Bilinear Transform Frequency Mapping, Analog
Computers, State Space Formulation, Physical Derivation of Bilinear
Transform, State Variable
- Bilinear Transform = special case of Moebius Transformation [DON'T MISS THIS ONE!]
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