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- Reading:
- Lecture Videos (Total Viewing Time 4 Hours):
- Euler's Identity Proof
- DFT Overview, Euler's Identity on the Complex
Plane, Additive Synthesis of a Square Wave by Fourier's
- Additive Synthesis of a Square Wave at Codepen
- Sinusoidal Motion as Projection of Circular
- Sinusoidal Motion as Projection of Circular Motion,
- Mathematics of Sinusoids, Complex
- Spectra of Sinusoids
- Amplitude Modulation (AM) and its Spectral Effects,
AM Demo, ``Ring Modulation,'' Perception of AM,
``Beats'' demo in Matlab (beatcon.m), Hearing Mechanics, Critical Bands
- Editable Online Javascript for Additive Synthesis Visualized
- Additive Synthesis Visualized with Audio and More Controls
- 3D Animation of Euler's Identity (GIF)
- Circular Motion Projection and Superposition
[1:43 (Kitty)]
- Time Constant of Decay, Plotting Exponentials
- Euler's Identity in the Complex Plane
- Supplementary: Euler's Identity Viewed as ``Actions''
- Generalized Complex Sinusoids
- Generalized Complex Sinusoids II
- Demo of Exponentially Decaying Sinusoids in Matlab, Spectrograms, DTMFs
[9:01 (Kitty)]
- Making a sinusoid in Pure Data (Pd)
- Drawing the word ``minimum'' in a spectrogram using various
- Exponentials
- AM Review, Frequency Modulation (FM)
- FM Spectra, Bessel Functions
- Generalized Complex Sinusoids Review, The S-Plane
- Laplace Transforms
- Sampled Generalized Complex Sinusoids
- Sampled Generalized Complex Sinusoids II, Z Transforms
- Domain of Z Transforms, The Sampled Sinusoid
jn, Normalized Frequency
- Mapping s to z, Bilinear Transform Preview
- Overview and Demos Presented 10/9/2014:
Sinusoidal AM Demos, Continuous/Discrete Fourier Transforms
(Four Cases), Generalized Sinusoids, Laplace Transform, Z
- You should now understand the twist
in the complex-plane versus time display used in the WebGL
- Supplementary flipped-class lecture on the meanings of points in the s and z planes as generators of
generalized complex sinusoids, and derivation of the Laplace and Z Transforms via projection onto them:
- Part 1/2
- Part 2/2
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