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Upper, Middle, and Lower HOPs

Figure 14: Three rows of nine HOPs $ \approx 3$ m high and $ 4.5$ m wide
\resizebox{0.9\textwidth }{!}{\includegraphics{eps/strips3by9.eps}}

Figure 14 illustrates a simple extension from one to three multiband line-arrays for the purpose of providing three elevation levels. In the vertical dimension, it can be driven as three-channel VBAP, or stereo with a center channel. While azimuth perception is accurate to $ \approx 1$ degree straight ahead, elevation perception is an order of magnitude less accurate, so a cruder sampling of the vertical axis is appropriate.

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``A Spatial Sampling Approach to Wave Field Synthesis: PBAP and Huygens Arrays'', by Julius O. Smith III, Published 2019-11-18:
Copyright © 2020-05-15 by Julius O. Smith III
Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA),   Stanford University