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From (5), we have, using (13),
where `' is for right-going and `' is for left-going. Thus,
following the classical definition for the scalar case, the wave impedance
is defined by
(18) |
and we have
(19) |
Thus, the wave impedance
is the factor of proportionality
between pressure and velocity in a traveling wave. In the cases governed by the ideal wave equation (7),
is diagonal if and
only if the mass matrix
is diagonal (since
is assumed
diagonal). The minus sign for the left-going wave
accounts for the
fact that velocities must move to the left to generate pressure to the
left. The wave admittance is defined as
A linear propagation medium in the discrete-time case is completely
determined by its wave impedance
which, in a
generalized formulation, is frequency dependent and spatially
varying. Examples of such general cases will be given in the sections
that follow. A waveguide is defined for purposes of this
paper as a length of medium in which the wave impedance is either
constant with respect to spatial position
, or else it varies
smoothly with
in such a way that there is no scattering (as in
the conical acoustic tube). For simplicity, we will suppress the possible
spatial dependence and write only
, which is intended to be an
function of the complex variable , analytic for .
The generalized version of (20) is
(20) |
is the paraconjugate of
, i.e., the
unique analytic continuation (when it exists)
from the unit circle to the complex plane of the
conjugate transposed of
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