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Generating a PD Plugin-Wrapper Abstraction

The test patch of Fig.8 was constructed in pd by manually attaching user-interface elements to the left (control) inlet of the plugin. As is well described in [1], one can alternatively use the faust2pd script to generate a pd abstraction containing the plugin and its pd controllers. When this abstraction is loaded into pd, its controllers are brought out to the top level using the ``graph on parent'' mechanism in pd, as shown in Fig.10.

The faust2pd script works from the XML file generated by Faust using the -xml option:

  > faust -xml -a puredata.cpp -o cpgrui-pd.cpp cpgrui.dsp
  > faust2pd cpgrui.dsp.xml
Adding the -xml option results in generation of the file cpgrui.dsp.xml which is then used by faust2pd to generate cpgrui.pd. Type faust2pd -h (and read [1]) to learn more of the features and options of the faust2pd script.

The generated abstraction can be opened in pd as follows:

  > pd cpgrui.pd
Figure 9 shows the result. As indicated by the inlet~ and outlet~ objects, the abstraction is designed to be used in place of the plugin. For this reason, we will refer to it henceforth as a plugin wrapper.

Figure 9: Pure Data abstraction generated by faust2pd from the XML file emitted by Faust for the constant-peak-gain resonator (cpgrui.dsp).
\resizebox{4.3in}{!}{\includegraphics{\figdir /cpgrui-pd.eps}}

Notice in Fig.9 that a plugin wrapper forwards its control messages (left-inlet messages) to the encapsulated plugin, as we would expect. However, it also forwards a copy of each control message to its control outlet. This convention facilitates making cascade chains of plugin-wrappers, as illustrated in faust2pd examples such as synth.pd.13

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``Signal Processing in Faust and PD'', by Julius O. Smith III,
REALSIMPLE Project — work supported by the Wallenberg Global Learning Network .
Released 2010-07-19 under the Creative Commons License (Attribution 2.5), by Julius O. Smith III
Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA),   Stanford University