Drum Machine: Rolling...

The idea was not to create jazz per se, but to use components in jazz drums as parts of computer music. For example, I was very interested in using brush drums, which produce a longer, consistent sound than most other drums. I wondered if Compositing jazz elements as computer music would make it sound like jazz or rather something completely different. For example, what if a brush drum sound is layered on top of each other 10~ times, or played through granular synthesis? The controller is: KORG NANOKONTROL 2 Which has 8 knobs, 8 sliders and 3 buttons for each knob. The slider controlled the volume, the 3 buttons for each ‘track’ controlled the tempo. The knob controlled the ‘random chance to reset the SndBuf back to position 0’, so when turned all the way up, produced a sound somewhat Reminiscent of granular synthesis. When the track is of a single play SndBuf (Saxophone) or just a UGen rather than a drum beat, the knob controls how much of a drone sound Gets mixed into it. For the saxophone track, I am using Ivan Renta’s sax solo. The brush drum sounds were pulled off from the following jazz brush drums technique tutorial: The double bass sound is taken from freeSound.org. As always, knowing how to structure the code was a very challenging process. Also having very little background in music theory Or jazz (have only been a casual listener) made me sometimes feel insecure about whether if a component was ‘jazzy enough’ or not.
