
Participate in Converge using Twitter or Email
You're welcome to make an many submissions as you'd like!

NOTE: If you'd like, you can submit audio using email (and do other parts on Twitter).
If you're using an iPhone or iPod Touch, we recommend using Voice Memos:
it's a default app on the device, and allows you to record and email.

But...please do send us an audio file whenever possible. :)

How to participate using Twitter:

General instructions:

  1. Create text & picture submission:

    If you're using an iPhone, download the Twitter application (free). Be sure to describe the photo you attached, and to include the hashtag and geotag. [Check out screenshots for how to include photo, hashtag, and geotag]

    If you're using a laptop or desktop, use twitpic, yfrog, or other Twitter photo-sharing sites of your choice. Describe your picture and anything else you want to express in the text field. In addition to #convergeThis, include your location (i.e. by address, POI, or lat/long) in the text box (unless it gets automatically included by the Twitter client).

  2. Create text & audio submission:

    Use to record and upload audio using laptop/ desktop. Describe your audio and anything else you want to express in the text field.

    Note: in addition to #convergeThis, include your location (i.e. by address, POI, or lat/long) in the text box.

How to participate using Email:

  1. Email To:

  2. Subject: convergeThis

  3. Include in the Body:
    • Username you'd like to go by
    • Location, i.e. by address, POI, or lat/long, corresponding to your text description/ photo/ audio recording. (The more precise you can be with the location, the better)
    • Text Description of what you're doing and anything else you want to express

  4. Include as an Attachment:
    • Photo you've just taken -- of people , places, objects you'd like to have as a visual element of the piece
    • Audio Recording you've just made -- for instance, environmental sound, talking or laughter, or music you're listening to. Preferred format is WAV.
      (If you're on an iPhone or iPod Touch, it's probably easiest to send a separate email entry using the Voice Memos app with the username/ description information included in the email body.)