Music 256 HW1 README Jieun Oh [I] Meets the 3 specifications as described on the hw page, with an exception of the width for sawtooth (which seems to not have any effect on the wave) [II] To use: You need the following files: 1. newHello.cpp // Jieun's code 2. RtAudio.h 3. RtAudio.cpp 4. RtError.h [III] To run: Type the following with the optional command-line arguments: ./newHello [type] [frequency] [width] [input] where [type]: --sine | --saw | --pulse | --noise | --impulse [frequency]: a number between 30 and 20000, applicable to sine, saw, and pulse [width]: a number between 0.0 and 1.0, applicable to saw and pulse [input]: type --input to multiply the wave and input signal [IV] Areas to improve: 1. Given the current syntax for command-line argument input, one may need to make up dummy input values for [frequency] or [width] in order to specify "--input" as the last (5th) argument. For instance, even though [width] is not applicable to sine, one needs to enter *some* number for the [width] in order to turn on the --input flag. 2. Currently, impulse is hard coded to 10 impuses per second. It would be nice to allow the user to specify this. 3. The user cannot change any of the command-line arguments once the program starts running. That is, there is no way to change the wave type, frequency, width, and/or --input flag in the middle of the program. It would be more challenging, yet definitely worth the work, to allow for this flexibility. 4. As mentioned above, my current implementation for sawtooth wave doesn't seem to be affected by the width... I need to look into this. [V] Other comments: I think the most challenging part of the assignment was getting the set-up right. Making everything compatible (with the new RtAudio version, ccrma machines, JACK, etc) and getting the makefile correct took a while. Also, it took a while to figure out that I needed to change the number of channels to 1. But otherwise, creating different types of waveforms was fun. :) In the end, it was rewarding. [VI] Collaborators: Thanks to Jason for help with the initial set-up. Thanks to Murphy for help with the sawtooth wave and input testing. Thanks to Ge for debugging help. :)