SingAsOne iOS App


SingAsOne is a social, music that encourages multi-user collaboration on making, mixing and sharing music. It is inspired by “Let It Go” in 25 Languages. The user can record a section of a song in a preferred language and upload it to the server and use recordings uploaded by other users to make one song through synthesizing the selected audio files. The user can then playback the mixed song and choose whether to save and share it with other users.


Experiental Design

The app is designed to simplify the process of audio-mixing and enable users with no audio-mixing background to mix songs from the shared resources uploaded by the community.


Currently, the app supports two types of audio mixing: parallel and sequential. If the user chooses multiple recordings from one section, these recordings will be mixed in parallel and played concurrently. If the user selected recordings from different sections, these recordings will be synthesized sequentially based on the order of the section number.

User Interface

Since the functionality of the app is limited to only two types of mixing, the design of the user interface is to be simply and easy-to-use so that the user only needs to select the audio files by tapping on them and press the "synthesize" button. However, the current design of the app does not provide flexibility of usage for users. For example, the user cannot edit audio files manually or control the timing when mixing. If further development adds more functionalities to the app, the user interface will also be redesigned to support more complicated usage cases.

Technical Implementation

The app is implemented in swift and uses Parse as the back-end server and storage. Below is a list of features implemented:

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