JENNIFER HSU - MUSIC 220A - SoundXplorer

Please click on the following links to download my final project. SoundXplorer.pde

For this project, I decided to explore the SndBuf object in ChucK and also manipulating graphics with Processing. The ChucK program first takes in sound files and cuts them up into little 70 to 100 ms chunks. It then sends this information to the Processing file which takes each chunk and draws a circle for it in a random area on the screen. Circles of the same color are chunks from the same file. When the user drags the white circles over the colored circles, the chunks are looped. When the mouse is released over a colored circle, the chunk is also played again. In this way, we can visually explore the cut up sounds of multiple soundfiles. I was a bit upset that there is this clicking sound. I using envelopes on the sound chunks to lessen this, but I believe that this may actually have something to do with the way I am using the SndBuf object. I would like to improve on this in the future.