The Gum

-- The circuit--

Head Mounted-- A) power source (low voltage)

B) 10K ohm resistor

-- Wire divides to...

1. In Mouth-- C) FSR

D) ground back at power source

  1. Out of Mouth C) High hat manipulating circuit


The following is a list of preliminary materials subject to change.

  1. ½ inch diameter FSR

  2. wires soldered to FSR are carefully shrinkwrapped

  3. the 2-inch FSR neck is also shrinkwrapped

  4. 6 earplugs around FSR head, tied by tiny string

  5. latex membrane for water-resistance, tied at FSR base


-- shrinkwrapping the FSR seems to destroy its functionality. This may be due to the high temperature during shrinkwrapping warping the plastic on the FSR neck and permanently changing the density of the head.

-- excessive chewing might break the latex membrane