import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import audio_dspy as adsp
In last week's article, we discussed a method for enhancing a standard framework for digital filters by adding nonlinear elements. In today's article we'll be looking at another similar method, with a pretty cool final sound.
Just like last time, we'll be starting the with a Biquad Filter, in the "Transposed Direct Form II". If these words don't mean anything to you, please take a minute to read through the beginning of the previous article, where we discuss these concepts in more detail.
from IPython.display import Image
You may recall that previously we added nonlinear elements just before each delay element, as shown below.
Today we're going to try something a little bit different. What happens if we choose instead to add our nonlinear elements into the feedback paths of the filters.
import SchemDraw
from SchemDraw import dsp
import SchemDraw.elements as e
d = SchemDraw.Drawing(fontsize=12)
d.add (e.DOT_OPEN, label='Input', color='white')
L1 = d.add (dsp.LINE, d='right', l=1, color='white')
d.add (dsp.LINE, d='right', l=1, color='white')
d.add (dsp.AMP, toplabel='$b_0$', color='white')
d.add (dsp.LINE, d='right', l=0.75, color='white')
d.add (dsp.ARROWHEAD, d='right', color='white')
SUM0 = d.add (dsp.SUM, color='white')
d.add (dsp.LINE, xy=L1.end, d='down', l=3, color='white')
L2 = d.add (dsp.LINE, d='right', l=1, color='white')
d.add (dsp.AMP, toplabel='$b_1$', color='white')
d.add (dsp.LINE, d='right', l=0.75, color='white')
d.add (dsp.ARROWHEAD, d='right', color='white')
SUM1 = d.add (dsp.SUM, color='white')
d.add (dsp.LINE, d='up', xy=SUM1.N, l=0.375, color='white')
d.add (dsp.BOX, label='$z^{-1}$', color='white')
d.add (dsp.LINE, d='up', l=0.625, color='white')
d.add (dsp.ARROWHEAD, d='up', color='white')
d.add (dsp.LINE, xy=L2.start, d='down', l=3, color='white')
d.add (dsp.LINE, d='right', l=1, color='white')
d.add (dsp.AMP, toplabel='$b_2$', color='white')
d.add (dsp.LINE, d='right', l=0.75, color='white')
d.add (dsp.ARROWHEAD, d='right', color='white')
SUM2 = d.add (dsp.SUM, color='white')
d.add (dsp.LINE, d='up', xy=SUM2.N, l=0.375, color='white')
d.add (dsp.BOX, label='$z^{-1}$', color='white')
d.add (dsp.LINE, d='up', l=0.625, color='white')
d.add (dsp.ARROWHEAD, d='up', color='white')
Y = d.add (dsp.LINE, d='right', xy=SUM0.E, l=3.5, color='white')
d.add (dsp.LINE, d='down', l=3, color='white')
L3 = d.add (dsp.LINE, d='left', l=0.5, color='white')
d.add (dsp.BOX, label='NL', color='white')
d.add (dsp.LINE, d='left', l=0.5, color='white')
A1 = d.add (dsp.AMP, toplabel='$-a_1$', color='white')
d.add (dsp.LINE, d='left', l=0.75, color='white')
d.add (dsp.ARROWHEAD, d='left', color='white')
d.add (dsp.LINE, xy=L3.start, d='down', l=3, color='white')
d.add (dsp.LINE, d='left', l=0.5, color='white')
d.add (dsp.BOX, label='NL', color='white')
d.add (dsp.LINE, d='left', l=0.5, color='white')
A1 = d.add (dsp.AMP, toplabel='$-a_2$', color='white')
d.add (dsp.LINE, d='left', l=0.75, color='white')
d.add (dsp.ARROWHEAD, d='left', color='white')
d.add (dsp.LINE, xy=Y.end, d='right', l=1, color='white')
d.add (e.DOT_OPEN, label='Output', color='white')
Like last time, let's now take a look at what happens to the frequency response of the filter when we change the input gain. For this example, we'll use a lowpass filter with a cutoff at 1 kHz, a Q of 10, and $\tanh$ clippers for our nonlinear elements.
class NLFeedback:
def __init__ (self):
self.z = np.zeros (3)
self.b = np.array ([1, 0, 0])
self.a = np.array ([1, 0, 0])
self.fb_lambda = lambda a,x : a*x
def setCoefs (self, b, a):
assert (np.size (b) == np.size (self.b))
assert (np.size (a) == np.size (self.a))
self.b = np.copy (b)
self.a = np.copy (a)
def processSample (self, x):
# Direct-Form II, transposed
y = self.z[1] + self.b[0]*x
self.z[1] = self.z[2] + self.b[1]*x - self.fb_lambda (self.a[1],y)
self.z[2] = self.b[2]*x - self.fb_lambda (self.a[2],y)
return y
def process_block (self, block):
for n in range (len (block)):
block[n] = self.processSample (block[n])
return block
fs = 44100
b, a = adsp.design_LPF2 (1000, 10, fs)
sweep = adsp.sweep_log (20, 22000, 1, fs)
legend = []
freqs = np.logspace (1, 3.4, num=1000, base=20)
for g in [0.00001, 0.04, 0.2, 1.0]:
cur_sweep = np.copy (sweep) * g
y = np.copy (cur_sweep)
filter = NLFeedback()
filter.setCoefs (b, a)
filter.fb_lambda = lambda a,x : a*np.tanh (x)
y = filter.process_block (y)
h = adsp.normalize (adsp.sweep2ir (cur_sweep, y))
adsp.plot_magnitude_response (h, [1], worN=freqs, fs=fs)
if g < 0.0001: legend.append ('Linear')
else: legend.append ('Nonlinear (gain={})'.format (g))
plt.title ('Lowpass Filter with nonlinear feedback')
plt.legend (legend)
plt.ylim (-10)
From the above plot, it seems pretty obvious that as the gain of the input signal increases, the resonant frequency of the filter seems to shift as well. Vadim Zavalishin describes a similar effect that occurs when adding nonlinear elements to the feedback paths of a ladder filter, and he has a useful way of thinking about this phenomenon: "as audio-rate modulation of the cutoff (frequency)"[1]. The result of this modulation will give some pretty neat sounds which we'll hear more about below.
[1]: The Art of Virtual Analog Filter Design (rev. 2.1.0), Vadim Zavalishin (
I'm going take a small leap here, and try to do a little bit of math to show why the nonlinear filter reacts in this way. If the math isn't making much sense, feel free to skip this section. First, we need to define a couple of things.
The resonant frequencies of a filter are defined by it's "poles". These poles are complex values that show where the feedback of the filter reaches a maximum. To find the poles for a linear filter, we can use the quadratic formula on the $a$ coefficients of our filter as defined in the Direct Form.
$$ p_{linear} = \frac{-a_1 \pm \sqrt{a_1^2 - 4a_2}}{2} $$
The resonant frequencies of the filter are then defined by the "angle" of this complex number, which can be found using
$$ \angle p_{linear} = \arctan \left(\frac{\sqrt{|a_1^2 - 4a_2|}}{a_1} \right) $$
A larger pole angle corresponds to a higher cutoff frequency, and a smaller pole angle corresponds to a lower cutoff frequency.
The next thing to consider is that a nonlinear function can also be written as a dependent gain. For example, the dependent gain for the $\tanh$ nonlinearity looks like this:
$$ g_{tanh} (x) = \frac{\tanh(x)}{x} $$
For the $\tanh$ nonlinearity (as with many nonlinearities), the dependent gain will always be in between 0 and 1, and as the input increases, the gain decreases to zero.
adsp.plot_static_curve (lambda x : np.tanh (x))
adsp.plot_static_curve (lambda x : np.tanh (x)/x)
plt.title (r'Comparing $\tanh$ nonlinearity, to dependent gain')
plt.legend (['Tanh', 'Dependent gain'])
Now for the million dollar question: what happens to the poles of the filter when we add the nonlinear elements? The basic answer is that the $a$ coefficients are multiplied by the dependent gain values. Then the new pole locations can be described by
$$ p_{nonlinear} = \frac{-g_{tanh}(x) a_1 \pm \sqrt{g_{tanh}^2(x) a_1^2 - 4g_{tanh}(x) a_2}}{2} $$
And then the new pole angles become:
$$ \angle p_{nonlinear} = \arctan \left(\frac{\sqrt{|g_{tanh}^2(x)a_1^2 - 4g_{tanh}(x)a_2|}}{g_{tanh}(x)a_1} \right) $$
I won't go through the math here in gory detail, but using the property that the gain goes to zero as $x$ grows large, we can show that the poles shift to larger angles for larger input gain.This movement of the poles explains why the cutoff frequency of the filter changes with the input gain.
As usual, it's worth taking a minute to discuss that harmonic response of this system, and think about any aliasing problems we might have. To get a sense of that we're dealing with, I've taken the example filter from earlier (cutoff = 1 kHz, Q = 10, nonlinearity = $\tanh$), and plotted it's harmonic response for a 100 Hz, and a 2kHz sine wave.
fs = 44100
b, a = adsp.design_LPF2 (1000, 10, fs)
filter = NLFeedback()
filter.setCoefs (b, a)
filter.fb_lambda = lambda a,x : a*np.tanh (x)
plt.title ('Harmonic Response (100 Hz)')
adsp.plot_harmonic_response (lambda x : filter.process_block (x), freq=100, fs=fs, gain=0.5)
plt.title ('Harmonic Response (2 kHz)')
adsp.plot_harmonic_response (lambda x : filter.process_block (x), freq=2000, fs=fs, gain=0.5)
So we get kind of an interesting response! Along with a larger bump around the resonant frequency of the filter, we see a few odd harmonics generated for each input. It also seems like the filter does a little bit of filtering of its own generated harmonics, which is pretty interesting. In my own rather subjective testing, I haven't had much of an audible issue with aliasing artifacts, except for filters with very high resonance above 10 kHz, which sound pretty annoying anyway. Just to be safe, I like to use 8x oversampling, which typically mitigates any aliasing artifacts down to ~90 dB.
Those of you who have been reading the previous articles in this series may notice that my Python code in this notebook seems considerably cleaner and more concise than usual. In an effort to keep my code more consolidated and organized, I have been moving a lot of the code that I tend to reuse often to a separate Python package. I've uploaded this package to GitHub and PyPi, in case anyone out there feels like they want to use it or contribute to it. Enjoy: