Short-Time Time-Reversal (STTR)

by Hyung-Suk Kim and Julius Smith
CCRMA, Stanford University

Short-Time Time-Reversal (STTR, unofficially pronounced "stir") is a digital audio effect that reverses the audio locally in short time intervals, from milliseconds to seconds. Despite its simplicity, it is possible to obtain audio effects similar to grain reversers, chorus, digital delay, and bit-crushers.

A paper on STTR: "Short-Time Time-Reversal on Audio Signals" (DAFx-14)

A further study on using STTR as a harmonizing effect with code and sound examples can be found here.


Mac: VST/AU (32-bit)
To get an idea of what effects can be acheived with STTR, check out the examples.

Installing the Audio Plug-ins

To install the audio plug-in simply copy the plug-in file, .component for AU and .vst for VST, to the correct folder.

Audio Unit

Copy STTR.component to /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/ to install for all users or ~/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/ to install for your account only.


Copy STTR.vst to /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/ to install for all users or ~/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/ to install for your account only.