Hannah Choi's Homework 3: Granular - "Meditation"


For Homework 3, I decided to compose a piece incorporating sounds from a variety of religions, mainly Buddhism and Catholicism. These sounds include the Tibetan singing bowl, chimes, gongs, bells, ohms, and choir. I have experimented with grain length, grain tuning, grain volume, grain position, and various grain envelopes within my piece.
The title of my piece is “Meditation.” It is composed in AB form. The first section is reflective of sounds heard in typical religious affairs and the second is an abstract and spiritually complex take on those religious sounds. The first section can be described as being more external and the second more internal. Thus, the piece can be experienced as an approach to meditation in which one dives into the depths of the practice and the mind. I would hope that the piece displays how peaceful or complicated meditation can be, and perhaps it may remind some of their communication with God and the universe, or even their relationship with their mind, body, and soul.
All of my sounds are credited to freesound.org. I also credit elosine (or studioTTTguTTT) on his ChucK granulator tutorials on GitHub and Youtube.

Listen to Meditation Here:

Or Here!

Here is my ChucK Code:

ChucK Code: Meditation
ChucK Code: Granulator 1
ChucK Code: Granulator 2
ChucK Code: Granulator 3
ChucK Code: Bell
ChucK Code: Chimes
ChucK Code: Ohm 1
ChucK Code: Ohm 2
ChucK Code: Gong
ChucK Code: Choir
ChucK Code: Tibetan Singing Bowl

Reading Response and README.txt:

Reading Response

WAV Files:

Ohm 1
Ohm 2
Bell Outside
Tibetan Singing Bowl