Hannah Choi Homework 0

Applause could be heard at a cousin’s graduation ceremony, a retirement send-off party, a Chicago Symphony Orchestra concert, a golf tournament, or even a city council meeting. Applause could indicate appreciation, captivation, high remarks, celebration, agreement, respect, or support. It is quite fascinating that a sound could be heard on so many occasions and mean so many different things.

As a performer, hearing applause is often a very retrospective moment for me. It encourages me to mentally page through the process it took me to get here and finally celebrate at the arrival of sharing my journey with others.

In hearing the applause in this audio clip, stripped of occasion, I feel that I am better able to understand it. I can feel a sense of communal support and commemoration for those who have crawled through the obstacles of life, only to thrive.

A Big Round of Applause