Film Scores

Marshmallow Stew

Marshmallow Stew is the first in a series of cartoons about Rabbydog and Their little friends' adventure through the universe. The project was undertaken over several years along with the Chief Imaginaut, Chet Gnegy. The last episode is coming soon!

Episode 2 - The Silent Conductor

The Silent Conductor from Diabolical Bunny on Vimeo.

Episode 3 - The Nickel March

The Nickel March from Diabolical Bunny on Vimeo.

Documentary: The Secret Fighting Arts of the Americas

I had the honor of scoring for The Secret Fighting Arts of the Americas: A Hoplological Expedition, a one-of-a-kind docu-instructional film series on the martial art traditions of the Caribbean. Below you will find the playlist of background music used through out the series.

pankake00 ยท Original Soundtrack from Documentary: The Secret Fighting Arts of the Americas