// important: shred me only once or an error will be thrown // to re-shred: stop and restart Virtual Machine /* use this file to declare a public class for reading in a data file and play the data with a separate "player" file or type in a data file's full pathname as argument to this file and it'll play the data file itself in miniAudicle the argument goes into the text field just above this document or in command line chuck it goes after this file e.g., chuck hw5-reader.ck:/user/c/cc/220a/hwInstructions/hw5/hw5-drywhite.dat this file can only be shredded once since it declares a public class */ // define the DataReader public class // reads time series file and serves up values // expects single column of float or int data public class DataReader { string inFilename; 999999999999.9 => float bigNum; bigNum => float minVal; -bigNum => float maxVal; float range; float scale; 0 => int cnt; 0 => int numPoints; fun float min() { return minVal; } fun float max() { return maxVal; } fun float rng() { return range; } fun float scl() { return scale; } fun int count() { return cnt; } float val; // set data file fun void setDataSource( string f ) { f => inFilename; // full path } // file pointer FileIO @ in; new FileIO @=> in; // flag end of file true => int finished; fun int isFinished() { return finished || (numPoints && (cnt >= numPoints)); } // flag if calibrated false => int calibrated; fun int isCalibrated() { return calibrated; } // open file, close first if already opened fun void openData( ) { if( in.good() ) in.close(); false => finished; in.open( inFilename, FileIO.READ ); <<>>; if( !in.good() ) <<< "can't open file: ", inFilename, " for reading">>>; } // run through all data points to find statistics fun void calibrate( ) { bigNum => minVal; -bigNum => maxVal; openData(); while(next()) { if (val > maxVal) val => maxVal; if (val < minVal) val => minVal; } <<>>; max()-min() => range; 1.0 / rng() => scale; true => calibrated; cnt => numPoints; } // hack that will check if input string is actually a number, maybe not foolproof fun int isNumber (string s) { // handle all cases where string is equal to zero if (s=="0") return true; if (s=="0.0") return true; if (s=="0.00") return true; if (s=="0.000") return true; if (s=="0.0000") return true; if (s=="0.00000") return true; // all other cases return !(Std.atof(s)==0.0000); // atof returns zero if non-number string } // read a line if we can and input a number after checking for validity fun int next() { if (!in.good()) {<<<"file not open">>>; return false;} if (isFinished()) {return false;} -1.0 => val; // default value of -1.0 intentionally out of range string s; in => s; // first read a string up to first space or newline if (in.eof()) { //<<<"encountered EOF">>>; true => finished; return false; } in.readLine() => string rest; // read rest of line cnt++; // number of lines read if (isNumber(s)) Std.atof(s) => val; // should be good to go else <<< "non-number string found in data, line ", cnt, " = ", s+rest>>>; return true; } // calibrate and cue up at start fun void start( ) { if (!calibrated) calibrate(); 0 => cnt; openData(); } // return one datum fun float nextVal( ) { next(); return val; } // scaled version fun float scaledVal( ) { return scl() * (nextVal() - min()); } } // end of class definition