Music 256a Interactive AudioVisual Music Sequencer


Grant Bishko

My project "clockwork" is a music sequencer that is inspired from clocks. Rather than having 2 hands, however, I have 3, each spinning at different rates: the longest hand goes past one sphere every 500 milliseconds, the middle length hand goes past a sphere every 12 seconds, and the shortest hand every 24 seconds. Each hand also corresponds to a different sound that is played each time passing a sphere. Longest/fastest hand: a vibraphone; middle hand: a gong-like sound; shortest/slowest hand: an atmospheric hum. The user is able to create music using this sequencer by moving the spheres closer and farther to the center of the clock (changing the pitch), and changing the size of the spheres (making them louder/softer). Much like time, "clockwork" is always in motion. The user is the one who can make live changes to what the clock sounds like.

Below you will find screenshots of the sequencer, a video clip/composition, unity files, and instructions for "clockwork". Enjoy!

Instructions: use the 'n' and 'm' keys to move the "selector" around the clock, allowing you to choose which sphere you would like to change. Then, use the up/down arrows to make the spheres shrink and grow in size (volume). Finally, the left/right arrow keys move the spheres closer and farther from the center of the circle (pitch). You can also use the 'a', 'w', 's', 'd', 'q', and 'e' keys to move the camera around the space!

Production build: MacOs

This project was quite difficult given that I had no idea what a sequencer was coming in. However! I realize now that it is a visual representation of music/sound that a user can set some pattern into motion and compose music live-time. I had the most trouble making this project audio-driven and getting three hands to rotate and work simultaneously. I am very proud of how much I learned from this process, and I look forward to working on the final for this class!

Acknowledgements: Ge Wang, Kunwoo Kim, Nibha from class (thanks for the help with getting the rotation!), and the rest of the Fall 2021 Music 256a class

Link to previous milestones for this project:

Grant Bishko - - 11/08/2021