/* oscpack -- Open Sound Control packet manipulation library http://www.audiomulch.com/~rossb/oscpack Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Ross Bencina Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. Any person wishing to distribute modifications to the Software is requested to send the modifications to the original developer so that they can be incorporated into the canonical version. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "OscReceivedElements.h" #include #include "OscHostEndianness.h" namespace osc{ // return the first 4 byte boundary after the end of a str4 // be careful about calling this version if you don't know whether // the string is terminated correctly. static inline const char* FindStr4End( const char *p ) { if( p[0] == '\0' ) // special case for SuperCollider integer address pattern return p + 4; p += 3; while( *p ) p += 4; return p + 1; } // return the first 4 byte boundary after the end of a str4 // returns 0 if p == end or if the string is unterminated static inline const char* FindStr4End( const char *p, const char *end ) { if( p >= end ) return 0; if( p[0] == '\0' ) // special case for SuperCollider integer address pattern return p + 4; p += 3; end -= 1; while( p < end && *p ) p += 4; if( *p ) return 0; else return p + 1; } static inline unsigned long RoundUp4( unsigned long x ) { unsigned long remainder = x & 0x3UL; if( remainder ) return x + (4 - remainder); else return x; } static inline int32 ToInt32( const char *p ) { #ifdef OSC_HOST_LITTLE_ENDIAN union{ osc::int32 i; char c[4]; } u; u.c[0] = p[3]; u.c[1] = p[2]; u.c[2] = p[1]; u.c[3] = p[0]; return u.i; #else return *(int32*)p; #endif } static inline uint32 ToUInt32( const char *p ) { #ifdef OSC_HOST_LITTLE_ENDIAN union{ osc::uint32 i; char c[4]; } u; u.c[0] = p[3]; u.c[1] = p[2]; u.c[2] = p[1]; u.c[3] = p[0]; return u.i; #else return *(uint32*)p; #endif } int64 ToInt64( const char *p ) { #ifdef OSC_HOST_LITTLE_ENDIAN union{ osc::int64 i; char c[8]; } u; u.c[0] = p[7]; u.c[1] = p[6]; u.c[2] = p[5]; u.c[3] = p[4]; u.c[4] = p[3]; u.c[5] = p[2]; u.c[6] = p[1]; u.c[7] = p[0]; return u.i; #else return *(int64*)p; #endif } uint64 ToUInt64( const char *p ) { #ifdef OSC_HOST_LITTLE_ENDIAN union{ osc::uint64 i; char c[8]; } u; u.c[0] = p[7]; u.c[1] = p[6]; u.c[2] = p[5]; u.c[3] = p[4]; u.c[4] = p[3]; u.c[5] = p[2]; u.c[6] = p[1]; u.c[7] = p[0]; return u.i; #else return *(uint64*)p; #endif } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool ReceivedPacket::IsBundle() const { return (Size() > 0 && Contents()[0] == '#'); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool ReceivedBundleElement::IsBundle() const { return (Size() > 0 && Contents()[0] == '#'); } int32 ReceivedBundleElement::Size() const { return ToUInt32( size_ ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool ReceivedMessageArgument::AsBool() const { if( !typeTag_ ) throw MissingArgumentException(); else if( *typeTag_ == TRUE_TYPE_TAG ) return true; else if( *typeTag_ == FALSE_TYPE_TAG ) return false; else throw WrongArgumentTypeException(); } bool ReceivedMessageArgument::AsBoolUnchecked() const { if( !typeTag_ ) throw MissingArgumentException(); else if( *typeTag_ == TRUE_TYPE_TAG ) return true; else return false; } int32 ReceivedMessageArgument::AsInt32() const { if( !typeTag_ ) throw MissingArgumentException(); else if( *typeTag_ == INT32_TYPE_TAG ) return AsInt32Unchecked(); else throw WrongArgumentTypeException(); } int32 ReceivedMessageArgument::AsInt32Unchecked() const { #ifdef OSC_HOST_LITTLE_ENDIAN union{ osc::int32 i; char c[4]; } u; u.c[0] = argument_[3]; u.c[1] = argument_[2]; u.c[2] = argument_[1]; u.c[3] = argument_[0]; return u.i; #else return *(int32*)argument_; #endif } float ReceivedMessageArgument::AsFloat() const { if( !typeTag_ ) throw MissingArgumentException(); else if( *typeTag_ == FLOAT_TYPE_TAG ) return AsFloatUnchecked(); else throw WrongArgumentTypeException(); } float ReceivedMessageArgument::AsFloatUnchecked() const { #ifdef OSC_HOST_LITTLE_ENDIAN union{ float f; char c[4]; } u; u.c[0] = argument_[3]; u.c[1] = argument_[2]; u.c[2] = argument_[1]; u.c[3] = argument_[0]; return u.f; #else return *(float*)argument_; #endif } char ReceivedMessageArgument::AsChar() const { if( !typeTag_ ) throw MissingArgumentException(); else if( *typeTag_ == CHAR_TYPE_TAG ) return AsCharUnchecked(); else throw WrongArgumentTypeException(); } char ReceivedMessageArgument::AsCharUnchecked() const { return (char)ToInt32( argument_ ); } uint32 ReceivedMessageArgument::AsRgbaColor() const { if( !typeTag_ ) throw MissingArgumentException(); else if( *typeTag_ == RGBA_COLOR_TYPE_TAG ) return AsRgbaColorUnchecked(); else throw WrongArgumentTypeException(); } uint32 ReceivedMessageArgument::AsRgbaColorUnchecked() const { return ToUInt32( argument_ ); } uint32 ReceivedMessageArgument::AsMidiMessage() const { if( !typeTag_ ) throw MissingArgumentException(); else if( *typeTag_ == MIDI_MESSAGE_TYPE_TAG ) return AsMidiMessageUnchecked(); else throw WrongArgumentTypeException(); } uint32 ReceivedMessageArgument::AsMidiMessageUnchecked() const { return ToUInt32( argument_ ); } int64 ReceivedMessageArgument::AsInt64() const { if( !typeTag_ ) throw MissingArgumentException(); else if( *typeTag_ == INT64_TYPE_TAG ) return AsInt64Unchecked(); else throw WrongArgumentTypeException(); } int64 ReceivedMessageArgument::AsInt64Unchecked() const { return ToInt64( argument_ ); } uint64 ReceivedMessageArgument::AsTimeTag() const { if( !typeTag_ ) throw MissingArgumentException(); else if( *typeTag_ == TIME_TAG_TYPE_TAG ) return AsTimeTagUnchecked(); else throw WrongArgumentTypeException(); } uint64 ReceivedMessageArgument::AsTimeTagUnchecked() const { return ToUInt64( argument_ ); } double ReceivedMessageArgument::AsDouble() const { if( !typeTag_ ) throw MissingArgumentException(); else if( *typeTag_ == DOUBLE_TYPE_TAG ) return AsDoubleUnchecked(); else throw WrongArgumentTypeException(); } double ReceivedMessageArgument::AsDoubleUnchecked() const { #ifdef OSC_HOST_LITTLE_ENDIAN union{ double d; char c[8]; } u; u.c[0] = argument_[7]; u.c[1] = argument_[6]; u.c[2] = argument_[5]; u.c[3] = argument_[4]; u.c[4] = argument_[3]; u.c[5] = argument_[2]; u.c[6] = argument_[1]; u.c[7] = argument_[0]; return u.d; #else return *(double*)argument_; #endif } const char* ReceivedMessageArgument::AsString() const { if( !typeTag_ ) throw MissingArgumentException(); else if( *typeTag_ == STRING_TYPE_TAG ) return argument_; else throw WrongArgumentTypeException(); } const char* ReceivedMessageArgument::AsSymbol() const { if( !typeTag_ ) throw MissingArgumentException(); else if( *typeTag_ == SYMBOL_TYPE_TAG ) return argument_; else throw WrongArgumentTypeException(); } void ReceivedMessageArgument::AsBlob( const void*& data, unsigned long& size ) const { if( !typeTag_ ) throw MissingArgumentException(); else if( *typeTag_ == BLOB_TYPE_TAG ) AsBlobUnchecked( data, size ); else throw WrongArgumentTypeException(); } void ReceivedMessageArgument::AsBlobUnchecked( const void*& data, unsigned long& size ) const { size = ToUInt32( argument_ ); data = (void*)(argument_+4); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ReceivedMessageArgumentIterator::Advance() { if( !value_.typeTag_ ) return; switch( *value_.typeTag_++ ){ case '\0': // don't advance past end --value_.typeTag_; break; case TRUE_TYPE_TAG: case FALSE_TYPE_TAG: case NIL_TYPE_TAG: case INFINITUM_TYPE_TAG: // zero length break; case INT32_TYPE_TAG: case FLOAT_TYPE_TAG: case CHAR_TYPE_TAG: case RGBA_COLOR_TYPE_TAG: case MIDI_MESSAGE_TYPE_TAG: value_.argument_ += 4; break; case INT64_TYPE_TAG: case TIME_TAG_TYPE_TAG: case DOUBLE_TYPE_TAG: value_.argument_ += 8; break; case STRING_TYPE_TAG: case SYMBOL_TYPE_TAG: // we use the unsafe function FindStr4End(char*) here because all of // the arguments have already been validated in // ReceivedMessage::Init() below. value_.argument_ = FindStr4End( value_.argument_ ); break; case BLOB_TYPE_TAG: { uint32 blobSize = ToUInt32( value_.argument_ ); value_.argument_ = value_.argument_ + 4 + RoundUp4( (unsigned long)blobSize ); } break; default: // unknown type tag // don't advance --value_.typeTag_; break; // not handled: // [ Indicates the beginning of an array. The tags following are for // data in the Array until a close brace tag is reached. // ] Indicates the end of an array. } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ReceivedMessage::ReceivedMessage( const ReceivedPacket& packet ) : addressPattern_( packet.Contents() ) { Init( packet.Contents(), packet.Size() ); } ReceivedMessage::ReceivedMessage( const ReceivedBundleElement& bundleElement ) : addressPattern_( bundleElement.Contents() ) { Init( bundleElement.Contents(), bundleElement.Size() ); } bool ReceivedMessage::AddressPatternIsUInt32() const { return (addressPattern_[0] == '\0'); } uint32 ReceivedMessage::AddressPatternAsUInt32() const { return ToUInt32( addressPattern_ ); } void ReceivedMessage::Init( const char *message, unsigned long size ) { if( size == 0 ) throw MalformedMessageException( "zero length messages not permitted" ); if( (size & 0x03L) != 0 ) throw MalformedMessageException( "message size must be multiple of four" ); const char *end = message + size; typeTagsBegin_ = FindStr4End( addressPattern_, end ); if( typeTagsBegin_ == 0 ){ // address pattern was not terminated before end throw MalformedMessageException( "unterminated address pattern" ); } if( typeTagsBegin_ == end ){ // message consists of only the address pattern - no arguments or type tags. typeTagsBegin_ = 0; typeTagsEnd_ = 0; arguments_ = 0; }else{ if( *typeTagsBegin_ != ',' ) throw MalformedMessageException( "type tags not present" ); if( *(typeTagsBegin_ + 1) == '\0' ){ // zero length type tags typeTagsBegin_ = 0; typeTagsEnd_ = 0; arguments_ = 0; }else{ // check that all arguments are present and well formed arguments_ = FindStr4End( typeTagsBegin_, end ); if( arguments_ == 0 ){ throw MalformedMessageException( "type tags were not terminated before end of message" ); } ++typeTagsBegin_; // advance past initial ',' const char *typeTag = typeTagsBegin_; const char *argument = arguments_; do{ switch( *typeTag ){ case TRUE_TYPE_TAG: case FALSE_TYPE_TAG: case NIL_TYPE_TAG: case INFINITUM_TYPE_TAG: // zero length break; case INT32_TYPE_TAG: case FLOAT_TYPE_TAG: case CHAR_TYPE_TAG: case RGBA_COLOR_TYPE_TAG: case MIDI_MESSAGE_TYPE_TAG: if( argument == end ) throw MalformedMessageException( "arguments exceed message size" ); argument += 4; if( argument > end ) throw MalformedMessageException( "arguments exceed message size" ); break; case INT64_TYPE_TAG: case TIME_TAG_TYPE_TAG: case DOUBLE_TYPE_TAG: if( argument == end ) throw MalformedMessageException( "arguments exceed message size" ); argument += 8; if( argument > end ) throw MalformedMessageException( "arguments exceed message size" ); break; case STRING_TYPE_TAG: case SYMBOL_TYPE_TAG: if( argument == end ) throw MalformedMessageException( "arguments exceed message size" ); argument = FindStr4End( argument, end ); if( argument == 0 ) throw MalformedMessageException( "unterminated string argument" ); break; case BLOB_TYPE_TAG: { if( argument + 4 > end ) MalformedMessageException( "arguments exceed message size" ); uint32 blobSize = ToUInt32( argument ); argument = argument + 4 + RoundUp4( (unsigned long)blobSize ); if( argument > end ) MalformedMessageException( "arguments exceed message size" ); } break; default: throw MalformedMessageException( "unknown type tag" ); // not handled: // [ Indicates the beginning of an array. The tags following are for // data in the Array until a close brace tag is reached. // ] Indicates the end of an array. } }while( *++typeTag != '\0' ); typeTagsEnd_ = typeTag; } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ReceivedBundle::ReceivedBundle( const ReceivedPacket& packet ) : elementCount_( 0 ) { Init( packet.Contents(), packet.Size() ); } ReceivedBundle::ReceivedBundle( const ReceivedBundleElement& bundleElement ) : elementCount_( 0 ) { Init( bundleElement.Contents(), bundleElement.Size() ); } void ReceivedBundle::Init( const char *bundle, unsigned long size ) { if( size < 16 ) throw MalformedBundleException( "packet too short for bundle" ); if( (size & 0x03L) != 0 ) throw MalformedBundleException( "bundle size must be multiple of four" ); if( bundle[0] != '#' || bundle[1] != 'b' || bundle[2] != 'u' || bundle[3] != 'n' || bundle[4] != 'd' || bundle[5] != 'l' || bundle[6] != 'e' || bundle[7] != '\0' ) throw MalformedBundleException( "bad bundle address pattern" ); end_ = bundle + size; timeTag_ = bundle + 8; const char *p = timeTag_ + 8; while( p < end_ ){ if( p + 4 > end_ ) throw MalformedBundleException( "packet too short for elementSize" ); uint32 elementSize = ToUInt32( p ); if( (elementSize & 0x03L) != 0 ) throw MalformedBundleException( "bundle element size must be multiple of four" ); p += 4 + elementSize; if( p > end_ ) throw MalformedBundleException( "packet too short for bundle element" ); ++elementCount_; } if( p != end_ ) throw MalformedBundleException( "bundle contents " ); } uint64 ReceivedBundle::TimeTag() const { return ToUInt64( timeTag_ ); } } // namespace osc