#!/bin/csh -f #csht for the XOR problem # source /usr/ccrma/package/planet/RunNet # Definitions of paths for the file locations # ---------------------------------------- set NET = n.gabeXOR set PAT = pat/learngX set WTS = wts/hidden set OUT = out/gengX set SCR = src/screengX # The interface with Planet part # -------------------------------- # run the net for 3 hidden units # get your hands on some figures, man! xv& foreach Nhid(3) # read the number of units for each layer and call in the net file # The number of units defined as follow: # 2 units for the input, 1 for the out, 3 for the hidden (magic number.) network Nin=2 Nout=1 Nhid=$Nhid $NET nset randomize on pattern $PAT screen $SCR graph new place nset mark 50 glist clear glist '$globalError' 1 savefile $WTS.$Nhid nset save 10 cycle 1000 wait savefile close end quit