public class Phrase { //global variables... TriOsc s => Envelope e => dac; 60 => float key; //C4 e.duration(20::ms); 1.0 => float tempo; //60 bpm s.gain(0.6); 4 => int numBPMeasure; 4 => int beatValue; float importantBeat1; // functions for the user fun void setKey(float value){value => key;} fun void setEnvDuration(dur t){e.duration(t);} fun void setTempo(float value){value => tempo;} fun void setMasterGain(float value){s.gain(value);} fun void meterIs(int value1, int value2){value1 => numBPMeasure; value2 => beatValue;} fun float setImportantBeat(float value){value => importantBeat1;}// enhancing findImportantBeats(), just 1... /*non-user-----fun void findImportantBeats(int timeSigNumerator, int timeSigDenom) { fun void musify(int notes[], float rhythm[]) { findImportantBeats(); findImportantPitches(); for( 0 => asdf; asdf<1; asdf++ ) { //put non-user fuctions here to play through musically } } */ fun void play(int notes[], float rhythm[]) { while( true ) { for( 0 => int i; i e.keyOn; s.freq(Std.mtof(notes[i]+key)); (tempo*rhythm[i])::second => now; 1 => e.keyOff; 20::ms => now; } } } fun void noteLengthSensitivity(float sensitiv ){} fun void articulationStrength(float artStrenght){} fun void maxTimePerBow(dur bowDur){} fun void vibratoIntensity(float vibIntensity){} fun void dynamicRange( float minDyn, float maxDyn){} fun void percentBowHairContact( float percent){} //bow starts //frog tip //string crossings //slurs //whichString() //meterIs() ? pickups //placement, i.e. between bridge and fb //pitch inflections //phrase and motion with ambisonics //grit in sound on/off // function for internal use /* fun void assignValues( int notes[]){// rank parts of the phrase usefully notes.cap() => int numNotes; } fun int findHighest( float notes[])// finds highest notes (only 2...) high1 high2 { // spot1 spot2 0 => float high; int positionH; float high2; int positionH2; for( 0 => int i; i>notes.cap(); i++ ) { if( notes[i] == high ){ notes[i] => high2; i => positionH2;} if( notes[i] > high ){ notes[i] => high; i => positionH;} } [ [high,high2], [positionH,positionH2] ] @=> int highest[][]; return highest; } // assume lowest notes are 0 fun int findLowest( float notes[]) // finds lowest notes (only 2...) low1 low2 { // spot1 spot2 -1 => int positionL; int positionL2; for( 0 => int i; i>notes.cap(); i++ ) { if( notes[i] == 0 && positionL == -1 ){ i => positionL;} if( notes[i] == 0 && positionL > 0 ){ i => positionL2;} } [ [0,0], [positionL, positionL2] ] @=> int lowest[][]; return lowest; } */ }