Music 220B Homework 1

Elena Stalnaker | Winter 2022

ChucKu 1

Code: ChucKu 1 Code

Audio File:

ChucKu 2

Code: ChucKu 2 Code

Comments: I viewed the ChucKus more as curation, trying to learn from example one liners and find several that went together well. Even doing that much took way longer than I think we were supposed to spend on this part of the assignment (oops). You can run the .ck files just by opening them in miniaudicle and hitting the + sign. I had some trouble getting some of the one liners I liked on their own to run at the same time, but I eventually figured out a way to spork one of them and have 2 others that went on their own.

Sound Logo - "Robots Can Crochet 2!"

This is a sound logo for the act of crochet. It is a proudly touted piece of trivia among crochet-ers that crochet is something humans are still better at than robots. If you see a mass produced item in a store that claims to be crocheted, it is either hand made, or knitted by machines using a knit stitch that mimics the look of crochet. I wanted to play with this idea by teaching my computer to crochet - with sound! I used a repeated pattern of nested for-loops of sound that mimics the shape of the multiple loops in a crochet stitch, and modified the sound to match different kinds of crochet stitches (see the comments in the ChucK code). My commenting aligns with the part of the code that makes a sound that to my ear mimics the motion of a certain stitch or part of a stitch. It's a little longer than 30 seconds, but the last 7 are just the last note so I think it counts! :-)

Code: Sound Logo Code

Audio File:

Comments: You can run it just by opening in miniaudicle and hitting the + sign. I had some difficulty figuring out how long it was because I kept missing the moment that the shreds ended by looking at the code instead of the virtual machine. I tried to print out now using "<<>>;", "<<>>;", and saving the initial start using "now => time start;" and then printing "<<>>;" at the end. I'm not sure why that last one didn't work, but I eventually just gave up and watched the VM. It would be nice to know how to do that for future testing though. If I had more time, I would go through and make all my comments print to the console instead; I think that might make it visual in a fun way.