// @title amplitudeTracker.ck // @author Chris Chafe (cc@ccrma), Hongchan Choi (hongchan@ccrma) // @desc A starter code for homework 5, Music220a-2012 // @note amplitude tracking using UAna ugens // @version chuck- // @revision 2 // IMPORTANT NOTE: this patch is designed to use microphone. // If you're using speakers and your microphone at the same time, // you might experience serious feedback. Make sure to use // the headphone or earbuds to avoid it. // pipe input into analysis audio graph: // track amplitude to control breath pressure of a clarinet adc.chan(0) => FFT fft =^ RMS rms => blackhole; 0.5 => float hop; 2048 => fft.size; // actual audio graph and parameter setting // there is an adc disconnect bug when removing shred // using Gain g is a workaround adc.chan(0) => Gain g => NRev rev => Echo echo => dac.left; 0.3 => g.gain; rev.mix(0.5); echo.mix(0.2); // STK saxofony instrument Saxofony cl => Gain h => NRev revtwo => Echo echotwo => dac.right; h.gain(0.15); revtwo.mix(0.4); echotwo.mix(0.25); 47 => Std.mtof => cl.freq; cl.stiffness(0.65); cl.aperture(0.5); cl.blowPosition(0.6); cl.vibratoFreq(5); cl.vibratoGain(0.3); // instantiate a smoother to smooth tracker results (see below) Smooth sma; // set time constant: shorter time constant gives faster // response but more jittery values sma.setTimeConstant((fft.size() / 2)::samp); // setBlowingPressure() fun void setBlowingPressure() { while (true) { //apply smoothed value to pressure cl.pressure(sma.getLast()); 1::samp => now; } } spork ~ setBlowingPressure(); // main inf-loop while(true) { // hop in time by overlap amount (fft.size() * hop)::samp => now; // we've gotten our first bufferful // compute the RMS analysis rms.upchuck(); rms.fval(0) => float a; Math.rmstodb(a) => float db; // boost the sensitity 75 +=> db; // but clip at maximum Math.min(100, db) => db; sma.setNext(Math.dbtorms(db)); } // @class Smooth // @desc contral signal generator for smooth transition class Smooth { // audio graph Step in => Gain out => blackhole; Gain fb => out; out => fb; // init: smoothing coefficient, default no smoothing 0.0 => float coef; initGains(); // initGains() fun void initGains() { in.gain(1.0 - coef); fb.gain(coef); } // setNext(): set target value fun void setNext(float value) { in.next(value); } // getLast(): return current interpolated value fun float getLast() { 1::samp => now; return out.last(); } // setExpo(): set smoothing directly from exponent fun void setExpo(float value) { value => coef; initGains(); } // setTimeConstant(): set smoothing duration fun void setTimeConstant(dur duration) { Math.exp(-1.0 / (duration / samp)) => coef; initGains(); } } // END OF CLASS: Smooth