The notation of hexadecimal numbers for this set of programs is that of the C language where the string "
Usage: tohex integer integer = [-0x80000000..0x7fffffff] (in hexadecimal form) [-2147483648..2147483647] (in decimal form)
view source: tohex.cpp
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example: 414970 will be converted to 0x654fa.
view source: todec.cpp
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Windows95 (old) |
SunOS (old) |
linux (with libc 6) |
linux staticly compiled ]
example: 0x654fa will be converted to 414970.
view source: tohex.cpp
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Windows95 |
SunOS |
linux ]
example: 414970 will be converted to 0000 0000 0000 0110 0101 0100 1111 1010
Conversion between 4 binary digits and 1 hexadecimal digit
Decimal Binary Hexadecimal Decimal Binary Hexadecimal 0 0000 0 8 1000 8 1 0001 1 9 1001 9 2 0010 2 10 1010 A 3 0011 3 11 1011 B 4 0100 4 12 1100 C 5 0101 5 13 1101 D 6 0110 6 14 1110 E 7 0111 7 15 1111 FSo by inspection, the binary number 0010 1100 0110 1011 is equivalent to the hexadecimal number 0x2C6B which according to the todec program is the decimal number 15467.