// @title StereoRecorder.ck // @arguments [seconds] // @author Chris Chafe (cc@ccrma), Hongchan Choi(hongchan@ccrma) // @desc Record the stereo output from dac.chan(0, 1) // @note Add this code into VM to capture the audio output of dac. // @version chuck- // @revision 1 // default duration of audio file you'll create: 130.0 => float seconds; if (me.args()) { me.arg(0) => Std.atof => seconds; } // MODIFY THIS: destination path "/Users/ckaymaz/Desktop/music220a/hw2 /" => string myPath; (now / 1000::ms) $ int => Std.itoa => string timetag; myPath + "L_" + timetag + ".wav" => string filename0; myPath + "R_" + timetag + ".wav" => string filename1; myPath + "Stereo_" + timetag + ".wav" => string final; <<< "[StereoRecorder] Recording mono sound files... ", filename0, "|", filename1 >>>; // pull samples from the dac dac.chan(0) => WvOut w0 => blackhole; dac.chan(1) => WvOut w1 => blackhole; // assign file name to Ugens filename0 => w0.wavFilename; filename1 => w1.wavFilename; // advance time now + seconds::second => time later; while( now < later ) { 100::ms => now; } // close files w0.closeFile(); w1.closeFile(); // end messages <<<"[StereoRecorder] Finished! run the following command in a terminal:">>>; <<<"sox -M "+ filename0 + " " + filename1 + " " + final>>>;