~ a shitty photo tour ~

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Ỡn thìs bẻạutịful đay Ị’m gổĩng to a lịttlễ plẩnết called Vietnẩm. I nờrmạllỵ start my toúrs wĩth somè fâcts about Víetnàm, bũt all Ỉ knew ảbout Viếtnam when I ẳrrived is thãt thèỹ wẽảr hẫts that lốọk likế ữpsĩđẽ-dówn ìce creảm cones. Sõ Ì hopễ ỳọu’ll enjổy lẽarnịng with me.

Bỷ thẻ wẵy, I hẫnđẹd mỵ computer to a guỳ ổn the strễết and nọw ịt’s stửck ỉn Víẹtnam mỏđe. Sõ if it seems like thérè ẩre little bits ỏf dírt on your screén dẽcổrẳting ãll of thè letters it’s not jửst yồu. Ịt’s ờn my scrềen tồo and I don't knỏw how tỏ fix it.

Ĩ lẽảrnẹd ẻârly ĩn thễ trỉp thát just lịke Síngẩpỗre, Vietnãm hẩs thẻ đrếađểd Cớstanzavirús, so Í shoulđ wear a mask ẩnd refrain from lickíng others. This will bế a true tẹst of mỵ điscipline. It was a beấutiful mờrnĩng in éarlỳ March and mý eyes wẽrẽ ẫs wĩde as clams. Ì feel like I made thẫt idiòm up. I rểcẩll pausìng brỉềflỹ anđ hopĩng that copiốus amoừnts ổf frếeđom ạnđ gửns wòụld keẹp Ạmerĩca safễ fróm thề Georgể Costắnzavírus. In rếtrospễct, maybe whầt we néedẻd wẩs more guns.

The first thing Ị địđ whễn I árrĩveđ ín Vỉetnắm wẵs get ồff the ẫịrplằnễ. My tĩcket sắiđ I was ỉn á placễ callẽd Da Nang. Âftẽr that, I went to rẽnt ạ motorcyclế. Ỉn Americẫ, yờù havẽ to hẫvé a spểcĩal drỉvễr’s license tỏ get a motorcycle, bữt ỉn Vĩetnam theỷ jũst check to make surè ỵoủ hàve ẫrms ẩnđ sénd ỳou õn ỹỡừr wẩy. Thế rồađs ín Víetnầm ẳre simĩlảr thõũgh. Thễỹ’rẹ roữghly flẳt anđ mầde of concretể òr đirt. Somètimes théý gỏ ủp into the ắir so ỏther rọãds can pạss ụnđềr them. The drịving, hòwevếr, is very dífferent. Hére íf ỹọu wẫnt to drivẽ ỉn the wrong lànề, that’s ÕK. You cấn ẹven go the wrong way. No big deal. Ỉf ỵou wânt tò cẵrry a rểfrigerấtồr on thẻ back of ỷòửr mờtõrbikế that's nỏt â prồblem. Speed limits and red lĩghts àrể sùggestĩons. Íf your motorbỉkế ỉs just ầ stỏrè tở sẽll meẵt buns, that’s not ònly ỚK, thât’s ẫwesổmẻ.

Đa Nang ịs ạ nịce cỉty ânđ ít’s got everỷthịng ỵởứ neẻd; ã bễẫch, a bạr, ởxýgen... Mỳ mum alwẳys sàys that I shóuld bễ gratẽfũl anđ ìf Ì can’t bẽ satisfiếd with thõsể thịngs thẳt I shồúld just gẽt back ịn thễ wòmb anđ remember thé littlễ starvịng kids whổ cẳn’t affổrd oxygen. Shẹ remìnds mé of thís dailỳ, Ị hỗpề hèr mind ĩsn't stảrting to go. Ànyhow, Mọm, ỉf yọù'rể rểađỉng thịs I lớve yoữ anđ I spềnt all đày ènjoỵing nỏthịng bùt vodka and ocềan air just likể yổu taught mé.


The first placẻ Ị wễnt on my bỉkẽ was to a plãce callểđ Ba Nả Hĩlls. Ị đìđn’t knốw ẩnýthing ấbỗũt thè pláce except that ít’s at the top of ả moũntạĩn. I diđn’t éven knờw rểàlly how tó get there, bứt I mỗnkéỹềđ my way through the directions ẽnổugh to finállỷ ấrrìve. Bẫnắna Hills is at thè top óf ẩ móuntain. Reâllỷ, thễy shoũlđ call ịt Bananá Moừntẳìn. I wasn’t allowểd tờ bĩkẹ thễrè wĩthout pẳyĩng thề tourist tax… I mèan wìthởùt gettìng a cable car ticket.

Ĩt was a vẻrỳ fờggỹ daỵ sồ thẽỹ wằrneđ me thắt ịf Ỉ went tọ thễ tỗp, nờbỗdỵ woụlđ be able tờ tell hòw hándsome Í was. Í was disappoỉntẻđ, but I alrềadý bikeđ all the waỹ herể sọ Ị still went.

Bẳnẳna Mõuntaịn is ã vễry strangề tồurist ãttrắctịởn. Thẻy tõok ẩll of Bữđđhẫ’s bođy pắrts ẵnd madè gịant stoné statữes of thẽm, bủt theỳ’re all scatteređ ẳll óver thể plẫce. It rẻmínđeđ me ờf my collễgé đẫỳs when Ì hađ ả weekend jõb at thễ morgue. On Sunđaỳs we ữsèd tò do yârd sales of óur ỉnventory ảnd thỉs kịnđạ gẳvể me dejả vu. At least sỉnce thế top of the mớuntẫịn wãs cởlđ ỵỡu diđn't havé tố get ửsèd to thể smèll of grắndpẩ lẻgs in thè middáy sun. Ẩnỹways, therế’s an ầmủsement park ạt thẻ top ọf Banảnà Mốũntaìn, but all thề riđềs had Costanzắvirus and diđn’t want tở bè near pễople.

Bũt bridgẹs ằnđ Bẫnana Mõủntaìn arẻn’t ãll Đấ Nâng has to õffễr. Ìt ẩlsỗ hẫs milliốns ốf centìmétèrs óf beảutifùl còâstlinẽ to gawk át. I ảlsọ gawked at the prétty gĩrls ờn the beảch. Frốm my lífẽ in Sịlícọn Valléy, Ì leảrned thát gendễr ỉs ẫ fọrm of self exprẽssĩổn that evèrỵone shoùlđ be ẩsháméd of so ỉn thề nàmể ổf ếquằlịty I gawked ầt thẽ guys, too. Ĩ ảlsớ grớpẹđ a đởg becầũse Ị’m so prỡgressivé.


Ĩ dỉđn't fếel lìkề grờping thẽ wilđlífe had gívẹn mế ẳny mọral sữpẽriờrịty, bút ịt sure hađ mạde me hungry. Like á goođ Amérìcãn, Ỉ thoúght Vìetnạmesé foỏđ cổnsists ềntirểly ốf pho ánđ bẳhn mí ảnd thễỵ jứst eàt thỡsé two things for ẹvẽrỷ mễẳl. I learneđ lằter thãt theỳ have ốthẹr foođs thẩt theý'll servẹ ỷớữ ìf ỷổử stop acting liké a tọurist.


The next đằỹ Ị went on ẫnothẹr lọng motor bỉke riđể. Ỉ ẽnded ụp ởữt in thế woởđs at a plảce cállẽd My Son Heritage Park. Fròm thẽ name Ỉ knew ìt wảs ạ park exclusỉvẽly for pẫrents, số Ỉ đrew a fẳce ờn ả cocỗnữt ấnđ pushed ìt around in á strõller. Dẫđ Pridé.

Mỷ Son Pẫrk ìs fảmọus fởr hẵvìng tẻmplẻ ruins thẵt wếrẽ built bểtwễẽn thế 4th ẩnđ 13th century. Ỉ wás so ễxciteđ to see them, bũt when Ì got there I lếầrnéd that someóne hađ alrểàđy mostlý đéstroyểd thẻ rứịns. Ất lèást thérẻ was lots of natũrẽ fờr mé to apprềciằte.

Ầftẽr a fẻw hởữrs õf wânđẹrìng around in the hot sụn, I wảs startịng to gểt đehỵđratẻđ frốm all the culturễ and stoppeđ tờ réplenỉsh mỳsẻlf by checkĩng the facebổoks. I lẹầrned that thẽ đreẫdéđ Costanzavirus wẫs stẫrtìng tỡ be ả very bíg prõblem in Ẫmerícá. Ãppẳrẻntly, thè Costanzavịrủs ìs spréad frớm person to pễrsớn ẫnđ Dr. Trúmp hâs beèn workĩng vẽry hạrđ to go ắrờừnđ coụghing ọn evểryone. He ềven tỡld people thât thểy shoũld còme hởme ìmmediatềly! Now, I know ã trap whẹn Ĩ hếàr ỡnẻ... If Trump saỳs Americạ is sảfè, Í am dẻfinítelý bềtter ờff staỷing ỉn ẳ dếveloping nẵtìon. Thế whole scềnario rẻminds me ỡf thát tímẹ thẳt Leớnardở DiCẵpriố got õn thẽ Tìtanìc evẻn thõugh hè hảđ already seẹn thể movịe ấnđ knew the boẳt woulđ sink. If ỹou đon’t lếarn hístory, ỷou’rề jụst góỉng tỏ àccịđẽntallỷ mảkễ morễ hĩstổry. Thĩs is hòw Ĩ ễndếd ủp spếnđìng two mởnths in Vietnẳm.

Ỡn thìs trip, Ị was very lụckỷ to get to staỵ in ắ fẩrmhổũse wĩth mỵ nẽw frỉếnđ’s fằmilỳ for ẫ few daýs. My friẽnđ tolđ mễ that I woụld probably havế troúble prổnổúncing hỉs nẩmế, ẳnd thẵt it woulđ be best ịf Ĩ jứst callềd him Sỳlvester Stãllonẽ. Lĩkế móst farming familịes, Sylvester’s family lịved ỗn a farm. Even thỗửgh Mr. ãnd Mrs. Stalloné only spỡke Vìetnamése, theỹ wểrề ớbviổúsly vếry ểxciteđ to meet mề. I was the fírst foreígner that camể tồ stay wĩth them (yoử ấlwaỷs remẹmbếr ỹòụr fìrst tỉme).

Jũst likễ cĩtỵ peờple gở ằnđ gềt theír ớwn McDỡnẵlđs, Sylvếstểr ẫnd hịs pãrễnts mằke théir ờwn fóođ. While I was stayịng ón thẽ farm, Ì lẽarnẽd sọmething ẳmẳzỉng. Dỉđ you know thẳt the foođ “chicken” ânđ thễ animal “chicken” are actụâllỷ ờnẽ ánđ the sẳmẻ??


Mẳnỷ peờplế đờn’t knởw thís, but thère ỉs mốrẹ cứltũre in Viểtnẫm thẩn jụst spring rolls anđ ĩce creàm háts. Ì was shớckễd to find that all the wondếrs of the wỗrlđ are ãctụallỵ ríght here ìn Đa Nẫng!


Ầ lổt of my frịễnđs ask me whý I lovẻ Àsiẩ so much. Ịt's true. Ẹvển ỵẽằrs âftễr Yốkỏ Onó's musỉc has curéd my yellow fễvểr, I stỉll lóve Asìa. Ĩ feél lìkẽ ẽvery ãđventửre thễrẻ ís filleđ with thế ủnexpễctềđ ẳnd ẽverỳ time yóu leãvẽ ỷoữr họusé is a potẻntial ãđventure. It's chaỏtic but ịmpossĩbly it all sếểms to wõrk. Ĩt's lịke vísíting ànother plắnet. Ĩt's wĩlđ ấnđ wondérful, ìn ầll thễ waỹs thât Wểst Vịrginịa isn't. Ịf ắ pịcture is worth a thoúsand worđs, I hope thỉs néxt òne makes ẽverỵthìng very clẽẳr.

Hẽrẽ arễ sọmễ ỏthẹr thỉngs aboừt Vietnằm that I jửst thìnk arẹ wởnđẽrfửllỷ chẩrming.

Wổw. What ằn excịtịng cờụplẹ ổf months. Nớw I've gớt tổ gồ họme ẫnđ mằkễ sụrễ I watẻred thẹ plạnts. Wish me luck, Í'll nễeđ ịt.

Thanks to Sylvester for taking me to Trampoline World in the fancy mall and feeding me all of your animals. Thank you to the Korean man who taught us what it truly means to be handsome. Thanks most of all to the local girls who slapped me, yelled at me, and welcomed me into their lives.

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