Music 220A Homework 6_ The action movie theme
November 28th, 2011
I'm pretty satisfied with my work this time. Because I play all of the data correctlly and The sound is cool! (At least I like it:))
I chose stifkarp, shakers, Mandolin and Wurley from the STK instruments to play the four groups of data.
Also, I changed the main parameters of these instrument so they sound totally different from what they were used to be.
I organized the shakers to play percussion and the stifkarp play the strings. So they can match perfectly.
You may notice that the shakers performed differently everytime. I set up the std.rand2f to make it plays as it likes (Also it still plays the data ).
Here is the wave file and the chuck file
Here are some mutual chuck file I've used for the homework5
Data examples from: "the Time Series Data Library collection"/ "production" and "the Time Series Data Library collection"/ "sales"
- / production / "condmilk.dat"; "choc.dat";
- / sales / "wineind.dat"; "milk.dat";