300 Square Mile Recording Studio
Stanford University's student Mariachi Ensemble perform in a live, distributed recording session as part of the Fall AES Meeting in San Francsico.
Three sites in the Bay Area (map) have been connected for this professional audio "teleconcert" collaboration. The audio signals are transported with extremely low latency using research software and regional internet (CENIC).
Three musicians in each of the three sites perform together for a Halloween session beginning at 9:30 am, October 31, 2004.
The main stage is at Genentech Hall on the new UCSF campus, and the two other trios are located at UCB (CNM) and Stanford (CCRMA).
A co-production of Chris Chafe, Jason Bryant and the SoundWIRE group at CCRMA.
Mariachi Cardenal de Stanford
117th Audio Engineering Society Convention (AES)
Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California (CENIC)
Center for New Media (CNM)
Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA)
Six-channel surround will be projected to the convention audience while a full multi-track session is recorded to hard disk via the linux-based system.