Recent Music, Projects, Courses and face shots of Chris Chafe

Gathering of music collages in preparation for the CCMRA / MCDT project March 8, 2005...

14 minute mix of Autumn class projects from 220a .wav file (160MB download) .ogg file (16MB download)

Example recordings from low-latency network audio experiments...

...Halloween '04, AES convention demonstration of 300 square mile recording studio.

...20-Aug-04, Piano duo: Stanford/Banff (Chryssie Nanou/Marc Ryser) for the Network Audio Summit August 20-22 during CCRMA's Summer Workshops held in Banff, Alberta. Audio delay was approx. 32 ms one-way .wav file (85.4MB download)

...18-June-04, Improvisation over really good networks: Stanford/Stockholm quartet split by 104 ms delay, one-way .wav file (35.3MB download)

...14-May-04: Triple jam: Stanford/Victoria/Missoula trio hanging together rhythmically despite heavy packet loss .wav file (63.5MB download)...

-- -- heard from my DSL using stereo pinging wav file (3.5MB download)

Listen to the sound of the network.

(recorded examples of real-time monitoring by plucking the network and by sonifying ICMP pings)
-- SoundWIRE technique reverberating between Denver and Stanford wav file (6.4MB download)
-- dropped packet bass guitar sound reverberating between Seattle and Stanford wav file (2.8MB download)
-- "sonified" pings across my home's LAN
wav file (3.2MB download)
-- "sonified" pings between my home DSL and CCRMA's web server wav file (3.5MB download)


New CD's

Extrasensory Perceptions clips 2002 (An hour's worth of music from Oxygen Flute and Ping)

Arcology Centaur Records 2002

Arco Logic Centaur Records 2001

New computer music compositions

Replication pn solo + DVD computer sound, DVD conductor 2005

Speed and Consensus pn,vn,cl,vc + DVD computer sound, DVD conductor 2005

Carbon Path celletto, live DSP-vocals, Oxygen Flute software, video 2002

Tangent clavichord and synthesis 2002 wav file (20 MB)

Voice Coil celletto and live synthesis 2000

Transect synthesis 1999

Music + other media (with Greg Niemeyer, June Holtz, Kris Samuelson, John Haptas, Ken Goldberg)

Ballet Mori real-time seismic data piped to lights, dance, music, Winter 2006

Organum animation LodesStar Planetarium, Albuquerque, Fall 2003

Open Rehearsal music installation work-in-progress

The World As We Know It film music (incl. in Underground Zero) 2001

Oxygen Flute music installation San José Museum of Art 2001, UC Berkeley 2002

Ping music installation SFMOMA 2001, portable ( reconfigurable ) ( fun ) ( dance floor ) Oregon, Calif. 2002-3

Riding the Tiger film music (dist. by UCMedia) 1999

Research Projects

SoundWIRE sonification for network monitoring and great audio for internet-based collaboration:

"Effect of Time Delay on Ensemble Accuracy" (pdf ) ISMA 2004

"Distributed Internet Reverberation for Audio Collaboration" (pdf ) AES 2003

"Physical Model Synthesis with Application to Internet Acoustics" (pdf ) ICASSP 2002

Network `harp' demo in SCinet Bandwidth Challenge SC2001, Denver 2001

"Levels of Temporal Resolution in Sonification of Network Performance" (pdf) ICAD 2001

"Simplified Approach to High-Quality Music and Sound over IP" (ps) DAFX 2000

SoundWIRE demo wins Network Challenge Award SC2000, Dallas 2000

STRAD instrument design, performance studies:

"Incorporating Haptic Feedback into Interfaces for Music Applications" (ps) WAC/ISORA 2000

"The Performer-Instrument Interaction: A Sensory Motor Perspective" ICMC 2000

"Influence of Attack Parameters on the Playability of a Virtual Bowed String Instrument: Tuning the Model" ICMC 2000

Synthesis and signal processing:

"Physical Model Synthesis in Music Composition" (pdf) ICA 2004

"Autonomous Virtuosity" (pdf) 2004

"A Short History of Digital Sound Synthesis by Composers in the USA" (pdf) Musiques en Scène 1999

"Vicarious Synthesizers: Listening for Timbre" (html) ISMA 98


Music 220a September, 2005 (Pd, Scheme, CM, CLM)

Sophomore College September, 2005

Music 220a Autumn, 2003 (PlanetCCRMA-based)

Sophomore College September, 2003

Music 220a Autumn, 2002 (platform is Stk, C++)

Sophomore College September, 2002

Music 220a-2001 Autumn, 2001

Sophomore College September, 2001

Music 220a Autumn, 2000 (platform is Snd, Scheme)

Sophomore College September, 2000

Music 220a Autumn, 1999 (platform is CLM, Lisp)

Sophomore College September, 1999

Talks (slide show presentations in html)

ICA 2004 Kyoto 8-Apr-04

ISMA 2004 Nara 2-Apr-04

Keihanna Media Festival 31-Aug-02

NTT / Atsugi, Japan 21-Aug-02

CENIC 11-May-01

Multimedia Graphics and Interfaces Seminar U.C. Berkeley Multimedia Research Center 21-Mar-01

Comm. on IT and Creativity, Natl. Acad. of Sci. 12-Jan-01

C.V. (pdf)