
Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA)
Stanford University

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JackTrip Networks for Musical Collaboration

Panel Discussion: Inclusive Co-Creation in and of Online Sonic Spaces

Chris Chafe
Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, cc@ccrma.stanford.edu

JackTrip is a multi-machine technology which supports bi-directional flows of uncompressed audio over the internet at the lowest possible latency. Developed in the early 2000's, it was used in intercontinental telematic music concerts and a variety of musical experiments using high-speed research networks as the audio medium. Its ability to carry hundreds of channels simultaneously and its lightweight architecture led to a range of applications from IT for concert halls to small embedded systems.

Dispersion Concert rehearsal last Sunday (7-May-2023)


The pandemic ushered in a new phase of development driven by musicians seeking solutions during lockdown. Orchestra-sized ensembles needed ways to rehearse over the network with most participants running their systems over commodity connections.

It works, even if it seems to run counter to what's required for ultra-low-latency rhythmic syncronization. Major improvements have focused on ease of use and the ability to scale across worldwide cloud infrastructure.

The result is an evolution of JackTrip, from native software applications and dedicated solutions including numerous Raspberry Pi-based systems, to standalone physical web devices, and browser-based WebRTC and Pure Data versions.


    *   Open source software core
    *   Linux / Mac / Win / FreeBSD

    *   Command line operation
    *   Classic GUI (advanced) with no services (make your own)
    *   Virtual Studio App with services (subscription)

Related Services.

(make your own or use Virtual Studio)

    *   Cloud hub server -- JackTrip room
    *   Live streaming -- OBS / Vimeo, JackTrip Radio
    *   Video -- Jitsi, Zoom, JackTrip video
    *   Recording -- DAW, JackTrip cloud-based recording