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Collection of Sonification Examples

Chris Chafe

Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics
Stanford University

links to online examples

Environmental data sonifications with George Hilley, Liz Carlysle, Garry Clarke, Greg Niemeyer, Philippe Tortell and others

Brain Wave Sonification with Dr. Josef Parvizi, Neurologist

(Chris Chafe, music and Greg Niemeyer, animation)

Ceribell Brain Stethoscope
(EEG medical device)

(click below) to open http://sevenairs.com/

(click below) to open http://icecorewalk.org/

(click below) to open https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~cc/vox/sonifications/mturk/demo/

brain waves Electrocorticography (ECoG)

Ceribell, Inc.
Brain Stethoscope

Sonification of time series data

Knoll Building (100 years ago)
CO2 = 300 ppm

Knoll Building (CCRMA today)
CO2 = 400 ppm

drilling ice cores in Antarctica


this deck available online at

(click below) to open https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~cc/deck.js/sonify/DXarts.html